Law Enforcement Coalition Reacts to Criminal Justice Legislation

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A coalition representing Illinois Law Enforcement leadership and rank-and-file Officers has issued a statement, regarding the Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice legislation that passed the Illinois General Assembly, during the Lame Duck Session.

We are extremely disappointed and saddened in the process, the lack of discussion with members of the Law Enforcement community, and the ultimate outcome in the Illinois General Assembly today [Wednesday, January 13, 2021].  Lawmakers who voted in favor of this criminal-favoring legislation ignored the pleas of more than 112,000 petition-signing citizens and refused to listen to the concerns of Law Enforcement.  Our communities will be less safe if this legislation is signed into law.

We urge Governor J. B. Pritzker to stand up for the majority of Illinois citizens, who value their lives, possessions, and well-being and [to] veto this bill and its extreme provisions.  Today’s outcome, although it is ominous for Illinois, does not diminish our commitment.  Our members will continue to use all authorized means to protect every community.

The Illinois Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) State Lodge, FOP Labor Council, FOP Chicago Lodge 7, Illinois Sheriffs’ Association, and the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police have formed the Illinois Law Enforcement Coalition….[They] have been working on these strategies since summer, to improve community safety and enhance the trust between community members and Law Enforcement.

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