
Labor Day Pep Rally at Resthave Home

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The Morrison High School athletes shown below suited up on a day off school, Labor Day, Monday, September 4, 2017, to entertain fans who rarely see them perform in person.

Karla Burn stated, “MHS cheerleaders and football players were kind enough to come to Resthave Home, 408 Maple Avenue, Morrison, IL, and put on a pep rally for our residents.  The cheerleaders performed several cheers; cookies were served; residents were able to meet the teams.”

“It is often difficult for Resthave residents to get out and about.  It is with a grateful heart that Resthave would like to say ‘Thank you’ to these athletes for taking time out of their day, to make sure our residents continue to feel like they are part of our great Community.”

Activity Director Nancy VanZuiden arranged the visit with High School coaches Cory Bielema, Varsity Football, and Katie Rodriguez, Cheers.


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