Kids for Christ Collected for Local Food Pantry

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foodbagsKids for Christ–the combined Sunday School of First Presbyterian Church and Morrison United Methodist Church –worked on a mission to collect food for Morrison Friends Food Pantry.  In February 2015, they worked on the lesson “Jesus Feeds 5000.” 

They decorated 24 shopping bags and then brought donations of food and supplies, with help from both congregations. 

Three classes had a contest to see who could fill the most bags.  The First-through-Third grade class, shown here, won and was awarded cupcakes.  These children wanted to share their award with the rest of the classes, just as they had learned from their lesson.  They were all awarded cupcakes for their hard work and generous hearts.

Some of the participants are pictured left-to-right.  In the back row are:  Troy Baker, Lindsay Altenhoff, Cheyenne Callan, and Gavin Landherr; front row:  Jovie Patton, Hailey Zigler, and Brady Landherr.

And He answered them, “Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise.” Luke 3:11.

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