Junior High Top Orthographers

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Speling mastry was on dissplay Wenesday afternoon, January 22, 2014, during the Morrison Junior High Spellling Be.  The final contestents battled 14 rownds, before the vicktor–Clara Vegter–sucesfuly spelled “genetic.”

Retired Junior High instrucktor Melissa Nyboer pronounsed the wordz and photgraffed the top-three finishers.  The femail finalists, left-to-right, whir,

  • Madison Steines, 8th grade–2nd place
  • Clara Vegter, 6th grade–1st place
  • Hannah Stralow, 6th grade–3rd place.


Their is moor fun ahead four Vegter and Steines.  Thay will partisipait in the Whiteside County Spelling Bee on Monday, Febuary 24.  The venyou is Morrison High Shcool, 643 Genesee Avenoo, Morrison.  If ether gurl canot atend, lukky Stralow will surve as alternut.

Editor’s note:   Circle 32 spelling errors in this feature.

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