June 6 MBAG Report

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Morrison Business Advisory Group (MBAG) met at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 6, 2013, at the Masonic Dunlap Lodge #321, 227 E. Main Street, Morrison, IL.  President Dr. David Jennings called the meeting to order.  Other members were Bob Shambaugh, Scott Stoker, Angie VanderVinne, Stephanie Vavra, and Elizabeth Yaklich; Gary Hayenga and Bart Smith were absent.

Guests included Aldermen Marti Wood and Harvey Zuidema.

Vavra moved to approve the minutes of May 2, 2013, as presented, with a second from Shambaugh; motion carried.

Financial Report–Dr. Jennings commented on an MBAG promotional letter to publicize the Friday, June 7, and Saturday, June 8, City-wide garage sale, which was sent to 42 restaurants and retail businesses; one was undeliverable.  It suggested sharing ad cost with others and promoting specials, to capitalize on the two-day opportunity.  He donated the cost of paper and postage.

Public Comment–Alderman Wood mentioned an art event to be featured on the Paula Sands Live television show today, and listed some of the area towns that are participating.  “That would have been good” to do, she stated.  MBAG was not aware of the “Bridge of Art” event, [featuring business windows decorated with recycled materials, that runs from Tuesday, May 28, through Tuesday, September 3].  

Old Business

  • Market Street parking lot–Mayor Everett Pannier reported he signed a contract with engineers Fehr-Graham to design, complete, and administer the grant.  Costs will be paid from the Motor Fuel fund first, then the City will be reimbursed.  Fehr-Graham will submit periodic claims for reimbursement.  Mayor Pannier will speak with the engineers today, but, in answer to Vavra’s question, he has no start date.
  • The Downtown Master Plan Committee of Smith, Stoker, Vavra, and former City Administrator Jim Wise has never met.  Dr. Jennings stated we need to replace Mr. Wise and asked mayor Pannier if Director of Public Services Gary Tresenriter would be available.
  • Minutes of February 7, 2013, stated under Public Comment that “Alderman Wood and Richard Ayers spoke of their concerns for safety in the downtown and the need for better building code enforcement.”  She stated today they “never said anything about building codes” and asked the minutes be corrected to reflect that.  VanderVinne moved, with a second from Stoker, to strike the mention of building codes; motion carried.
  • Dr. Jennings discussed the above-mentioned garage sale promotion letter, which VanderVinne designed.  He has heard “grumblings.  The Chamber felt we [MBAG] were overstepping our bounds to send this letter.”  He added MBAG approved the creation of this letter by VanderVinne and him.
  • VanderVinne said Hayenga had nothing to report to her about the Business Community Survey.

Under New Business topics will include:

  • Mayor Pannier was introduced; he and the committee discussed various City matters.  He suggested anyone who wants to become a Government contractor, for the Thomson Correctional Facility in the future, must follow procedures to be place on a list.  Because Chamber of Commerce Administrator Corinne Bender attended workshops on this, he said to ask her for information.  Fehr-Graham personnel have met with Tresenriter about the Market Street parking lot.  “We’ll have [29] teams [and about] 600 people on Saturday and Sunday for a softball tournament.”  Regarding building codes he said, “We’ve started the process to develop business growth.  We need a better process.”  With an attorney from Ward, Murray, Pace, and Johnson, engineers, and Tresenriter, a list of exact steps to follow will be devised.  He listed examples of checking first with IDOT for construction on highways; checking for sewer, gas, or electrical easements before buying property.  The goal is to “make it logical, not stifle business.”   He plans workshops for the Council and staff called Finance and Budget 101.  He stated Tresenriter can become involved with MBAG on streets.  Mayor Pannier discussed the highest-priority streets and the necessity to “identify priorities.”  Highways 30 and 78 may see repairs this summer by IDOT.   Dr. Jennings asked the Mayor to allow MBAG help on committees; VanderVinne asked what are distinct roles/purposes of MBAG and MADC.  MBAG’s mission is “to promote and develop the business community,” replied Dr. Jennings.  The Mayor invited the committee to come to City Hall with ideas.  Regarding the search for a new City Administrator, he will have two or three interview groups and may include business and professional people to give input, but not vote, on the new CA.  His goal is “try to have somebody identified by September.”  VanderVinne asked if the Industrial Park had a process list or guidelines for new businesses.  The reply was, “There are covenants in place.”  Two lots are for sale, stated Mayor Pannier, and the MADC could reduce the price of land, and the City could bring in utilities  to assist the sale.  Another key issue is insurance cost for being in a floodway; they “go up drastically,” he added.  Vavra asked if the lots have been advertised.  “Yes,” he replied and discussed the square footage of the Altronics [Coil Company] building, asking price, and his opinion of a “more fair” price.  Some inquired about the building but did “not [have] good business plans.”  VanderVinne began a discussion of area town television commercials.  The Mayor admitted “the Waste Water Treatment Plant keeps [him] awake at night,” with its yearly cost increase.  “[The] Obama stimulus money is pretty much gone,” he concluded, “but we do have a low-interest, 20-year loan available.”
  • Dr. Jennings challenged members to bring a new person to the next meeting and suggestions of future MBAG tasks. 
  • With a motion by VanderVinne and a second from Stoker, the next meeting was approved for Thursday, August 1, at 8:00 a.m.
  • With a motion by VanderVinne and a second from Stoker, the meeting was adjourned at 8:58.


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