
June 28 Resthave Salute to Vets

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FlagSaluteMarketing Director Karla Burn stated, “Resthave Care & Rehabilitation, 408 Maple Avenue, Morrison, IL, held a Salute to Veterans Program on Friday, June 28, 2019, in honor of our 21 veterans.  It was a very touching ceremony, with a few sentimental tears, tons of smiles, and socializing.  All veterans received a t-shirt that said ‘Honoring Our Vets’ to wear for the event.”  Twenty-one veterans represent four military branches:

Air Force–Lawrence Maxwell, Don Smith, and Don Snyder

Army–Jesse Bailey, Robert Bierman, Lloyd Collinson, Marvin Decker, Allen Dornbush, Lawrence Farthing, Alan Geerts, Orville Goodenough, Vernon Griffith, Richard Landheer, and Art Schroeder

National Guard–Spencer Knox

Navy–Marvin Geerts, Layton Lierman, Evelyn Raney, Mary Renkes, Ted Sulouff, and Frank Ward.

The American Legion Post 328 Honor Guard raised the American flag and led singing of “The Star Spangled Banner.”  Daughters of the American Revolution led the Pledge of Allegiance.  Three women from Rochelle, IL, and Rock River Chapters are show, far right, greeting veterans.  They presented each with a commemorative flag.


JerryLindseySpeechResthave Board Member and Guest Speaker Jerry Lindsey spoke about veterans, their service, and sacrifice to our Country.  His remarks included a poem by an unknown author:

  • It is the Veteran, not the preacher, who has given us freedom of religion.
  • It is the Veteran, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press.
  • It is the Veteran, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.
  • It is the Veteran, not the campus organizer, who has given us freedom to assemble.
  • It is the Veteran, not the lawyer, who has given us the right to a fair trial.
  • It is the Veteran, not the politician, who has given us the right to vote.

Next, Beacon of Hope Hospice representative Tania Duex recited a poem about veterans.  She recognized each with a plaque and certificate.

Administrator Jill Smith individually thanked each veteran and gave them a thank you card signed by staff.

“Resthave Care & Rehabilitation is pleased to announce they are now Veterans Administration certified.” said Burn.  “The prospect of becoming VA certified is something Resthave has had in mind for many years.  When Resthave reached out to the VA approximately ten years ago, we were told that the VA was not certifying any additional homes at that time and would not be, for quite some time.

“Two years ago, Charisse Jesiolowski, from the local VA Office in Sterling, made the recommendation to the Iowa City, IA, VA, [stating] that Resthave was a quality home in the area and should become VA certified.  The lengthy application process was started.  This was followed by an on-site visit by the VA in September of 2018, [with] the contract being finalized on April 15, 2019.

“Resthave is honored to be able to serve our veterans in this capacity, and we look forward to serving many local veterans in years to come.  Veterans who qualify for this program would be those at a 70% service level.  Veterans at this service level qualify for their stay at a VA certified facility to be covered 100% by the VA.”


EverettVASpeechMorrison Mayor Everett Pannier issued a Proclamation honoring all veterans for their service to our Nation.  He recognized Resthave Care & Rehabilitation becoming a VA contracted home.

Veterans and their guests were served lunch with potato salad, baked beans, hamburgers, and cupcakes that were decorated and in the shape of a flag.

The Salute to Veterans Program closed with a prayer by Lindsey and group singing of “God Bless America.”

Burn concluded, “Resthave would like to thank the following people and organizations for making this a very special day:  The American Legion Honor Guard; Mayor Everett Pannier and wife Nancy; Guest Speaker Jerry Lindsey; the Daughters of the American Revolution; Beacon of Hope Hospice; Sauk Valley Area Chamber; Morrison Chamber; Sterling VA; photographer Steve Siefken; our grillers; staff; volunteers.”

Following the program, a Ribbon Cutting by the Morrison and Sterling Chambers of Commerce was held, to celebrate Resthave becoming a VA contracted home.  Former Nurse Cadet Evelyn Raney is shown after cutting the ribbon.


The Honor Wall tribute is a new addition inside Resthave Care & Rehabilitation.


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