June 25 Morrison Park Board Agenda

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Morrison Park Board will meet Thursday, June 25, 2015, at the Kelly Park pavilion, High Street, Morrison, IL, at 7:00 p.m.  In case of rain, the meeting will be at City Hall, 200 W. Main Street, in the lower-level Conference Room.

   I.   Call to Order
  II.   Roll Call/Attendance
  III.  Public Comment  
 IV.  Approval of Minutes:  April 21, 2015
 V.  New Business
        A.  AmeriCorps Representative Cassidy Van Zuiden         

        B.  Projects

  • T-Ball team sponsors
  • Days in the Park
  • Marketing organizations (Facebook, email, texting)

          C. Season summary

           D. Short tour of Kelly Park

VI.  Other Information
        A.  Loss of air conditioner in main concession (lighting)                                                                          

VII. Items for next meeting
VIII. Adjournment

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