June 23 City Council Report

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On Monday, June 23, 2014, the City of Morrison Council met at 7:00 p.m. in the Whiteside County Board Room, 400 N. Cherry Street, Morrison, IL.  In attendance were Mayor Everett Pannier; City Clerk Melanie Schroeder; City Administrator Barry Dykhuizen; City Attorney Tim Zollinger; Chief of Police Brian Melton; Aldermen Michael Blean, Scott Connelley, Dale Eizenga, David Helms, Leo Sullivan, Marti Wood, Harvey Zuidema; Fehr-Graham Engineer Shawn Ortgiesen.

Public Comment included a brief comment from John Kuehl, who asked the Council to readdress the issue of allowing recreational vehicles on public streets.  He stated customers and others have asked him what is happening with this topic.  Some people have added motors to bicycles and  “are allowed,” he noted.  Because “the past issue was seat belts,” he noted that could be included in the Ordinance.  Mayor Pannier commented that CA Dykhuizen “can take that up again with [Zollinger].”

During Reports of City Officers Zollinger stated a legislative bill is on Governor Patrick Quinn’s desk to offer municipalities relief from those requestng documents under the Freedom of Information Act.  Requests sometimes are burdonsome if the data covers several year’s time.  CA Dykhuizen reported the air conditioner at the City of Morrison Community Room was shut down, due to water dripping from the kitchen ceiling.  A contractor will look at it Tuesday, June 24, he added. 

Reports of Department Heads from the City Engineer and Chief of Police elicited no Aldermanic comment.  Chief Melton stated he would bring a parking regulation to the Monday, July 14, session, which affects the north side of Genesee Court and N. Cherry Street by Northside School.  He “will bring a couple different options to try for at least a year.”  The opening for a full-time position brought ten applications; three people have prior experience and training.  He plans to interview two and offer the position to one candidate, “maybe later this week.”  Mayor Pannier mentioned “nice ribbon cuttiings” on the Morrison-Rockwood Recreational Trail and at Coz-E Corner Convenience Store, with “good attendance.”  He is working on how to promote Morrison and collaborating with the Chamber of Commerce and Morrison Community Hospital.  “We want people [who will work at] the [Thomson, IL,] prison to stay here.” 

The Consent Agenda items below were approved:

  • June 9, 2014, Regular Session Minutes
  • Bills Payable of $139,992.79
  • May 2014 Treasurer’s Report
  • Request for street closure, Morrison Farmers’ Market.

Items for Consideration and Possible Action include four items.

  • Resolution #14-06, Antique Tractor Drive–Whiteside Farm Bureau Executive Director Matt Lillpop submitted a route in and out of Morrison; Chief Melton will help.  Zollinger noted the request “calls for the City to assume all liability…and pay for claims.”  Lillpop offered to list the City on the insurance policy; Zollinger said their insurance policy should pay first on claims, and the City would pay second.  A Certificate of Liability Insurance must be provided by the Farm Bureau; the CA asked Lillpop to fax him a copy of the policy.
  • Authorize CA to request one-year extension on Compliance Commitment Agreement with IEPA
  • Advertise for bids for replacement of curbs, sidewalks, and driveway approaches from water leak repairs–Superintendent of Public Services Gary Tresenriter and Fehr-Graham Engineer Ortgiesen are working on this.  The request was approved.
  • Authorize IL Route 78 IDOT agreement, Bridge/Path construction

Other Items for Consideration, Discussion, and Information

  • Review draft Street Improvement Plan
  • Local sales tax referendum
  • Electrical Aggregation opt-out

The Council moved into Executive Session to discuss the following topics, but no action was taken:

  • 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5) Lease or purchase of Real Property for the use of the public body
  • 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(6)  Setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the public body.

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