June 22 School Board Agenda

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Morrison Community School District #6 will hold its Regular Board of Education Meeting Thursday, June 22, 2017, at 5:30 p.m., in the Morrison High School Media Center, 643 Genesee Avenue, Morrison, IL. The Agenda follows.

I.  Call to Order and Roll Call

II.  Pledge of Allegiance

III.  Closed Session

    a.  Matters relating to collective bargaining

    b.  Matters relating to student discipline

IV.  Public Hearing on 2016-2017 Amended Budget

    a.  Open Hearing

    b.  Board Member Comments

    c.  Public Comments

    d.  Close Hearing

V.  Approval of Agenda–Action Item

    a.  The motion is to approve the agenda as presented.

VI.  Consent Agenda–Action Item

    a.  District Bills as of June 22, 2017

    b.  Building Activity Account Reports

    c.  Personnel Recommendations

        i.  The Motion is to approve the consent agenda as presented-Roll Call

VII.  Approval of Previous Minutes–Action Item

     a.  The motion is to approve the minutes of the Regular Board meeting of May 22, 2017

VIII.  Regular Meeting of May 22, 2017

IX.  Communication/Public Comments

    a.  Good News from Around the District

    b.  Public Forum

X.  Reports

    a.  Superintendent’s Report

    b.  Technology Report

    c.  Curriculum Report

    d.  Financial Report

XI.  Old Business

    a.  Resolution to Issue Working Cash and Health Life Safety Bonds–Action Item

        i.  The motion is to approve the “Resolution providing for the issue of not to exceed $8,000,000 General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2017A, and not to exceed $500,000 Taxable General Obligation Refunding School Bonds, Series 2017B, of the District, for the purpose of increasing the Working Cash Fund of the District, altering and reconstructing school buildings and purchasing and installing equipment therein for fire prevention and safety, energy conservation and school security purposes and refunding certain outstanding bonds of the District, providing for the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest on said bonds, and authorizing the execution of a Bond Purchase Agreement with Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated, in connection with the sale of said bonds.”

    b.  2016-2017 Amended Budget–Action Item

        i.  The motion is to approve the 2016-2017 amended budget as presented-Roll Call Vote

XII.  New Business

    a.  Approval of RC Smith Contract

        i.  The motion is to approve the RC Smith Transportation contract for the 2017-2018 school year as presented-Roll Call

    b.  Approval of District Account Verification-Action Item

        i.  The motion is to approve the designated depositories as presented

    c.  Approval of 2017-2018 Board Meeting Calendar–Action Item

        i.  The motion is to approve the 2017-2018 Board Meeting calendar as presented.

    d.  APEX online Curriculum

XIII.  Adjournment

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