June 14 is Flag Day

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Each year, June 14 is celebrated as Flag Day in the United States of America. In 1877 the first Flag Day was celebrated, 100 years after the Continental Congress adopted the flag. Bernard J. Cigrand, a Wisconsin schoolteacher, in 1885 urged his students to observe June 14 as “Flag Birthday.” He later wrote an essay published in a Chicago, IL, newspaper that urged all Americans to proclaim this date a a day to celebrate the flag.

Several States and numerous Cities had begun commemorating the day before 1916.

Both President Wilson, in 1916, and President Coolidge, in 1927, issued proclamations asking for June 14 to be observed as the National Flag Day. But it wasn’t until August 3, 1949, that Congress approved the National observance, and President Harry Truman signed it into law.

These celebrations include flying the flag in front of residences, participating in parades, and holding other patriotic events.