June 10 City Council Report

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At 7:00 p.m. on Monday, June 10, 2013, Mayor Everett Pannier convened the City of Morrison Council Meeting in the Whiteside County Board Room, 400 N. Cherry Street, Morrison, IL.  Aldermen and City Officers were all in attendance, with the exception of Jim DuBois.

Public Comment began with Nancy Anderson welcoming the newly-elected members and discussing the Morrison Community Garden, which began four years ago.  Its purpose was and is to provide and promote good nutrition, gardening opportunies, and times for getting people outdoors.  Jennifer Alvarado is in charge of the 47, 10′ x 20′ plots.  Anderson thanked the City for making the garden work:  putting in three water lines and solving a leak or spigot problem.  The aim is to give more food to the Morrison Friends Food Pantry this year.  Wendy Gallentine, co-owner of Hero’s Tap, 208 E. Main Street, Morrison, IL, asked the Council to benefit the local bars by allowing them to be open on Sundays.  Mayor Pannier said, “I will put it on the agenda.”  Editor’s note:  On Friday, June 14, Mayor Pannier reported Sunday liquor sales will be a discussion item at the Council meeting on Monday, June 24.  He will supply Aldermen with information from last year and hear from the public.  He mentioned a vote on Monday, July 8.  Jerry Stuart addressed a next door property, at 703-705 W. Morris Street, saying the foundation is unstable.  He is concerned that it be taken down as soon as possible.  The Mayor asked Director of  Public Services Gary Tresenriter to comment:  Both sides of the house basement are caving in; “we’re waiting on word of money that could become available.”  The City has spent money for a lead inspection and $10,000 on asbestos removal.  Demolition could run “$15,000 to $30,000,” he added.  Mayor Pannier will call the group in Rock Island that [may offer funds.]  “We’d like it down, too!” he concluded.

Two construction projects were referenced in the Planning/Zoning Commission Report.  Mike Cozzie requested and received rezoning from an R-3 Multiple Family Residential District to a C-2 General Business District at 901 Meadowbrook Drive, south of Morrison Institute of Technology.  He will construct Cozzie Corner Convenience Store and Conoco Station.  Cozzie also submitted and received a Special Use Application for this new business.  Gerald Kneeland and Richard Ward (representing HR Green) requested and received rezoning from an R-1 Single Family Residential District to an R-2 General Residential District at 403 Scenic Street.  GCI Development, LLC, and HR Green propose construction of a 24-hour assisted living facility.  Kneeland and Ward were instructed to apply for a Special Use Permit.

Reports of City Officers included City Attorney Tim Zollinger‘s announcement of vacation plans until Tuesday, July 2.

Reports of Department Heads began with Tresenriter discussing the Monday, July 1, onset of the water tower project:  complete enclosure; sandblasting; structural blemish repairs; painting inside and out.  The tower “could be down three months,” he said.  The Public Services Department will alleviate too high water pressure by opening hydrants; test and monitor mains, to regulate the speed of the pump to deliver more or less water; check if tower valves are working.  The worse case might initiate a boil order.  Mayor Pannier reported the position of City Administrator is advertised on the City website.  It will appear in a few weekend papers until Wednesday, July 24, and the “Illinois City Council News Managerial.”   

Presentation by Baxter and Woodman Engineers

  • Waste Water Treatment Plant project

The Consent Agenda calls for approval of ten items.

  • May 28, 2013, Regular Session Minutes
  • Bills Payable ($169,345.35
  • Request for rezoning, Cozzie Corners, Meadowbrook Drive
  • Ordinance #13-14 Request of Re-Zone, Meadowbrook Drive
  • Request for Special Use, Cozzie Corners, Meadowbrook Drive
  • Ordinance #13-13 Request of Special Use, Cozzie Corners
  • Request for Re-Zone, GCI Assisted Living Center, Scenic Street
  • Ordinance #13-15 Request of Re-Zone, Scenic Street
  • Resolution #13-04 Antique Tractor Drive
  • Ordinance #13-16 Prevailing Wage

Items Removed From Consent Agenda

Items for Consideration and Possible Action include four items.

  • Approve partial payment to D. J. Sickley Construction for work on Well #3
  • Approval Change Order #2 for Baxter & Woodman amending contract time
  • Ordinance #13-17, Authorizing Rebuilding Well #3 Pumping Equipment for the purpose of re-installing into Well #4 and waiver of any necessary bid requirements, due to limited availablility of qualified contractors and time to get work completed
  • Approval for Aldermen to be under employment with the City

Other Items for Consideration, Discussion, and Information

Executive Session

  • The purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body, including meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired (5ILCS 120/2(c)(5)


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