July 18 ARC Blood Drive Report

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Kaywyn J. Beswick, R.N./ARC Morrison Community Blood Program Leader, submitted this report of the American Red Cross Blood Drive on Thursday, July 18, 2024.

The July American Red Cross Morrison Community Blood Drive was held on Thursday, July 18, from noon to 5:45 p.m., at Morrison United Methodist Church, 200 W. Linconlway.  Our July canteen sponsor for the last two Julys has been the MUMC.  We we are grateful that they have taken one blood drive per year, to help feed the donors, ARC staff, and volunteers.  The kitchen team (purchasing, preparing, and serving sandwiches, goodies, and drinks), escorts (walking donors from the loungers after donating to the canteen table), and volunteers were Carole Patton, Jean Tichler, Mary Vos, Kathy Schoaf, Pat Bramm, Paula Stinson, Pat Popkin, and Rick Barr.  Thank you all for your generous giving of time and talent!  Kudos to Irma Russell, ARC Certified Volunteer, who ran the Registration desk and made Appointments for the next blood drive.  The ARC had technical difficulty getting computers and printers up and running for the blood drive, but we kept up with the flow of donors coming in the door, making a list of the order that they arrived.  The apologetic ARC staff finally began the drive before 1:00 p.m.  They jumped into high gear, caught up by 2:30 p.m., and worked 30 donors through the donating process in 90 minutes.  They rocked!  I gave them five stars on my post-drive survey.

We had 60 people come through the doors, to give of their time and blood products to save up to three lives each.  That is 86% of the 74 donors that were scheduled, which is pretty good.)

Pictured below, left-to-right across the room, are Jim Fisher, Larry Tichler, Jackie Damhoff, and Mike Britt.

Forty-two wonderful donors gave whole blood:  Stephanie Vavra, Barb Imel, Penny Milnes, Marsha Geerts, Steve Geerts, Craig Brady, Lory Oudekerk, Lorna Temple, Randy Kuehl, Pam Jones, Mary Latwesen, Ann Ganger, Sheila Sonberg, Jean Zinnen, Mark Stanley, Jackie Damhoff, Lisa Nice, Chris Hawkins, Mike Britt, Larry Tichler, Deb Adolph, Nancy Shank, Nancy Bartels, Naumie R. Vanderlaan, Beth Wroble, Connie Tegeler, Bryan Wollesen, Kelsie Lowery, Michelle Vinson, Valerie Geary, Kari Forster, Niki Strohmayer, Brad Bielema, Sarah Bull, Julie Brown, Amy Oudekerk, Dennis Zickert, Tim West, Joe R. Bielema, Jennifer Duncan, and one woman and one man who did not want their names published. There were two first-time donors; they were Billie Kaprelian and Pat Bramm. Thank you, ladies, for joining the ranks of regular blood donors!

Thirteen terrific folks donated double red cells/PowerReds, equal to two units of packed red blood cells:  Carole Newcomer, Larry Oudekerk, Vern Latwesen, Jack Jones, Larry Sonberg, Jim Fisher, Harvey “Bud ” Tegeler, Dick Wieneke, Mark Zinnen, Mitchell Milnes, Jamie White, Jill Vegter, and one gentleman who did not want his name published. These people have assisted over 540 lives in their donating careers!

There were seven cancellations and 8 “no-shows,” but three walk-ins helped with our numbers.

The ARC goal for the day was for 70 units, and we acquired 68; so, over 97% efficiency.  I like to meet or exceed our goal, which is how we have achieved a Premier status in the past.  This status means that we obtain at least 30 units per drive; reach goal a certain percentage of the year; have first-time donors come give.  I am very appreciative of the blood donors who are faithful and dependable to the ARC.  It is not a competition for me.  It is all about helping patients who need transfusions.

We only had four deferrals out of 60 donators; that is 6.6% (not bad at all), and ARC expects 7% to get deferred.  Reasons for deferral were elevated blood pressure; low iron/hemoglobin; a new cancer diagnoses.  To end on a positive note, we had zero QNS units (quantity not sufficient) for the last two drives, meaning that all units were “good to go” and did not clot off or not completely fill the bag.  This is very admirable and attests to the proficiency of the staff!

The next American Red Cross Morrison Community Blood Drive will be held on Thursday, September 12, from noon to 5:45 p.m., at St. Mary’s Church, 13320 Garden Plain Road.  The September sponsor will be Wa-Tan-Ye Women.

Make appointments online at www.redcrossblood.org, using the free ARC DonorApp on your smartphone.  Contact me on Messenger, by texting, or by calling my cell phone number, which is 815-718-5117.

Currently, three-of-my-four next Blood Drives do not have my usual 18 double red cell/Power red appointment slots.  ARC assures me at least three double red machines will be brought to every one of my drives.  So, I am hoping that more appointment time slots become available soon.

Stay cool and safe!  Have a blessed summer!





Six people received gallon pin milestones; their collected donations saved 761 lives!  Two women received one-gallon pins:  Penny Milnes and Nikki Strohmayer.  One gentleman received a three-gallon pin:  Mitchell Milnes.  One woman received an eight-gallon pin:  Naumie “Renee” Vanderlaan.  One gentleman received a ten-gallon pin:  Dick Wieneke.  Another woman received a 13-gallon pin:  Mary Latwesen.