July 17 ARC Blood Drive Report

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Kaywyn Beswick, R.N./Morrison American Red Cross Blood Drive Coordinator submitted this report.

The weather was absolutely beautiful on Thursday, July 17, 2014, with sunshine and 77 degrees outside.  A “cool” incentive to have fun and encourage more donors was conceived of by Stephanie Vavra from thecity1.com.  This was to have people representing teams of at least three donate blood and receive a free ice cream certificate from DQ Chill & Grill.  [Her “Team Whatever” could not think of a clever name, so Renee Vanderlaan, left, Vavra, and Lorna Temple, right, took the latter’s suggestion.  Nancy Gravert photographed the three waving women in various stages of the donation process.]


We had 43 people present themselves at the doors to give their time and priceless blood to save lives.  Two pins were distributed; recipients were David Gindrich, receiving a two-gallon pin, and Bill Kuehl, who was awarded a 13-gallon pin.  Hats off to these faithful donors.  They have given a total of 120 units and saved 360 lives during their blood-donating careers!

We had one “first-time” donor, Jennifer Taylor.  Thank you for joining the ranks of life-savers, Jennifer.  We hope donating blood becomes a life-long habit!.  There was one double-red-cell donor, Bud Tegeler, who gave an equivalent of two units of packed red blood cells.

James Fisher is pictured getting ready to give blood for the GE Retirees Team.

JimFisherThere were 39 other generous donors.  They were Kim Mulnix, Ron Finnicum, Lorna Temple, Stephanie Vavra, Keith Wiersema, Renee Vanderlaan, Lynn Reimer, Hannah Rillie, Joyce Hamstra, Keith Hamstra, Ryan Sutton, Peggy Hutchison, Marian Dykema, Evan Haag, Dick Wieneke, Chris Hawkins, Millie Schaver, James Fisher, Brad Bielema, Charlie Bremer, Ruth Crampton, Carol Kallenbach, Rodger Kallenbach, Carolyn Aiken, Joe R. Bielema, Steve Miley, Tim West, Beth Wroble, Connie Tegeler, Ben Johnson, Connie Swanson-DeSpain, Brooke Newman, Janet Manchester, Em Schroeder, Arnold J. Damhoff, Kaywyn Beswick, and three other gentlemen who did not want their names in the newspaper or on thecity1.com website.  I know who you are, and I appreciate you and your efforts.

Only three people were deferred that day, which is a great number.  (I have had as many as 16 in the winter-time.)  There were 11 appointment no-shows, but we understand that things come up.  We all have busy lives, and I am totally okay with that.  I will just contact you for the next blood drive.  We had ten terrific “walk-in” donors who came in without an appointment slot, which is always acceptable.  Usually one-fourth to one-third of our drive participants are “walk-in” status, and that is fantastic!

I give a big shout-out to the Kiwanis for sponsoring the July blood drive every year.  The people from the Kiwanis who helped purchase and prepare the food, served the sandwiches, drinks, and cookies, and helped man a station were Kris Bielema, Betty Jo Schmitt, Esther Huizenga, Judy Becker, Deb Stiefel, Ron Finnucum, Ernisha Wilkens, and Denise Bramm. 

I am so very grateful to the faithful volunteers who come to help me and do a great job manning the different stations in the blood drive room.  They were Erin Beswick, Marian Dykema, Deb Wikoff, Marcia Haag, Arlene Merema, and Marilyn Akker.  A huge thank you goes to the Kiwanis (Nick Becker, Kris Bielema, Ron Finnicum, Ken Huizenga, Lawrence “Ike” Isaacsen, Bart Bielema, and Gary Spencer) for unloading and loading the truck faithfully for EVERY blood drive we have in Morrison.

And, as always, thank you to Morrison United Methodist Church for generously giving us a place to call home.  The American Red Cross presented the church with a plaque of appreciation.  It will be on display at the next blood drive.

Please join us at the next ARC blood drive in Morrison at Morrison United Methodist Church, 200 W. Lincolnway, on Thursday, September 18, from noon until 6:00 p.m.  We will be celebrating the season of football.  Wear a shirt with your favorite football team, and your name will be placed in a drawing for a prize.  We have a lot of fun with the ARC staff, serving good food, listening to great music, and enjoying each other’s company.  Come check us out and save the lives of three people!

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