July 10 School Board Report

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Jean Eggemeyer submitted this report.

Jim Prombo, Board President, called meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. on Wednesday, July 10, 2013, and ordered the roll call.  All members were present.  Prombo led the Pledge of Allegiance.  The agenda and minutes of four previous meetings were approved.

Superintendent’s Report
Superintendent Suellen Girard reported that high school standardized testing scores were coming in, and she had good news to share.  The numbers will be finalized in coming weeks and shared with the Board. “It looks like we will see a double-digit increase in math scores and improved scores in reading too,” she said.Dr. Girard then discussed efforts to align the District’s curricula with the State of Illinois’ new Common Core Standards.  Given these pressures on teachers and staff, the District will delay implementation of any new National assessments.In the financial realm, Dr. Girard reported that the District ended the 2012-2013 school year with a less than $2,000 deficit overall. “The budget ended up better than we could possibly dream of,” she said.The District was able to come in under its total budget projection by nearly $760,000.  She attributed the improvement to staff efforts to reduce costs, reduced medical insurance costs, the elimination of positions, and reduced energy costs.The District received about 40% of early local taxes in June, which is less than usual for the payment, she noted. In the Education Fund, revenue for the year was approximately $175,000 less from local sources, $125,000 less from federal sources, and up $10,000 from the State of Illinois, as compared to the previous year, Dr. Girard reported.The iFiber project, which will eventually provide the District with high-speed broadband connectivity, is running behind schedule.  She hopes to have the transition completed in August, before the start of school.Superintendent Girard also noted that there has been a “nice response” from businesses, groups and individuals in the community who indicated they will help the District on Make-A-Difference Day, to be held Saturday, August 3.  Several maintenance projects and supply needs were identified; the community was asked to donate money or time to ready the schools for fall classes to save money.  Individuals who can’t help August 3 can call the office to make arrangements to help on another day.
Discussion Items
Dr. Girard reported on the latest financial numbers, touching on the positive developments that have improved the District’s financial position.

“There are funds remaining in the Insurance and Operations and Maintenance Budgets due to staff management efforts, good weather (leading to reduced heating and cooling costs) and other factors,” she said.

When commenting on the Treasurer’s Report, Dr. Girard said, “The cuts the Board has been making are real…there have been big decreases in expenses.”

The Transportation Fund continues to be a bright spot, she added.  Even though the District will receive less State funding for transportation–because funding is based on the past year’s expenses–Morrison will receive 100% of its funding allocation, because of changes made to bus routes. Dr. Girard reported that approximately $189,000 remains in the Health Life Safety Fund, which could be used for some facilities repair and improvements.  A list of about $200,000 worth of facility repairs, maintenance and improvements along with about $500,000 in technology improvements, was presented. The Board spent considerable time discussing the repair needs and technology equipment requests and how they could be funded, including by refinancing current bonds to a lower interest rate. After deciding to pay for some items on the list out of other funds and operating revenue, the Board agreed to set a ceiling on a Working Cash Fund Bond of $600,000.  The bond funds would then pay for the remaining facility repairs and equipment and technology hardware, including iPads for each student in the District. The Board will review a formal proposal, firm pricing for each line item, and approve expenses at its August meeting. Dr. Girard then discussed updates that were made to the School Board Policy to align it with the practices and statutes in the Classified Staff Handbook.  Changes to the Coaches Handbook were also presented.  Board member Schmidt requested that wording be changed to “require,” rather than “request,” all coaches be trained in CPR and the use of AED (defibrillator) equipment.  The policy and handbook changes will be voted on at the August meeting.

The Board discussed how to handle unpaid student fees.  Dr. Girard provided a “short list” of families that owe more than $120 in student fees. Three options were presented to deal with the debtors:  1. rollover the debts and try to collect in the fall; 2. send the debts to a collection agency; 3. take the parent(s) to Small Claims Court. The Board decided to propose rolling over the debts for families that still have children within the District or debts less than $120. All others will be sent a final letter asking for payment; if no payment is received, the District will file Small Claims Court cases against them. Dr. Girard said she would develop a formal proposal to be voted on at the next meeting.

The Consent Agenda, including approval of routine items, bills, financial reports, building activity account reports, was quickly approved.

Action Items
The Board approved a motion to allow the District to pursue bond refinancing to pay for facilities and technology-related purchases, as discussed earlier in the meeting. The Board then went into closed session to discuss personnel recommendations and administrative salaries. Dr. Girard reported that the three school Principals and the Directors of finance, facilities, technology, and food service were given a 3.375% raise, which is the same average raise that teachers received. She also indicated that the Board reviewed salary comparison data for the Principals over two months and determined that they are paid less that the average rate for this region. 

The Board adjourned from closed session and reconvened in open session to discuss a MEA request to be included in the State of Illinois’ early retirement option, without incurring penalties from the District.

The Board adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Board meeting dates, agendas, minutes, reports, and financial documents are available on the Morrison Community School District website.

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