Join the Mob and Be Part of the Fun!

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SeptCashMobWe want you to join the Morrison Cash Mob, for the upcoming hit on Saturday, September 13, 2014.  Show up at headquarters–Morrison Chamber of Commerce, 221 W. Main Street, Morrison, IL,–at 11:00 a.m., to find out which unsuspecting business will be mobbed.  Dark glasses are optional. 

The Cash Mob members will vow to mob this pre-determined local business and spend $10 or more.  This is a great way to shop local, have fun, and send a message loudly and clearly, that we need to keep our G’s in town!  It’s quick!  It’s easy!  And the business won’t even know what hit them!

What is a Cash Mob?

A Cash Mob is a flash mob, but instead of singing and dancing, we spend money as a group.  We target the small, local, businesses that make our community special, in order to give the business owners an economic stimulus.  We help businesses grow, we make people happy, we get stuff for ourselves, and we have a great time!

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