January 27 City Council Report

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Lynnette Forth filed this report.
The snowy weather certainly played a part in the small number of those attending the Monday, January 27, 2014, meeting of the Morrison City Council.  Members reviewed a report submitted by the Morrison Historic Preservation Commission, discussing the unfinished business regarding downtown research for the National Register.  Research is due by Friday, January 31, 2014.  The next meeting of the Commission is scheduled for Tuesday, February 4, at 5:00 p.m.  Chief of Police Brian Melton submitted his monthly report for January for council member review, which included information on officer training dates and several items of information.  

The Consent Agenda included:
1.    January 13, 2014, Regular Session Council meeting minutes (Approved)
2.    Bills Payable of $279,404.19 (Approved)
3.    Report by Chamber of Commerce Administrator/Economic Development Director Corinne Bender:  Included in her report were ideas to attract business development; suggestions on ways to develop programs, services, and activities to facilitate business growth and retention; ways to increase business and revenue through community marketing efforts; encouraging a cooperative and favorable local government climate that promotes an understanding of the needs of the business community; working to improve the quality of life for members of the Morrison community; the attendance of workshops, seminars, conferences, and meetings in an effort to collect information that advances the economic interests of the City.  (Council members approved.)

Items for consideration and possible action:
1.    Ordinance #14-03–Annexation of property commonly known as the Wilkens property (Council members unanimously approved the annexation of two parcels totaling approximately 30 acres, which had been previously purchased by the City for the site of the proposed Waste Water Treatment Plant.)
2.    Request to declare surplus the 2005 Chevrolet Impala and dispose of it through public auction (Approved with proceeds going back into the Police vehicle fund.)

Other items for consideration, discussion, and information:
1.  Mayor Pannier reminded Council members to return the three month appraisal forms for the City Administrator to the Mayor.  Upon receiving the forms, they will be reviewed with the City Administrator by the Mayor and one Council member
2.  Fee Schedule Review (Aldermen Marti Wood and Harvey Zuidema and City Administrator Barry Dykhuizen presented their thoughts on their review of the City’s fee and fine schedule.  They will continue to review and report back with recommendations.)
3.  Goal Setting Meeting–scheduled for Monday, February 24, following the Council meeting, which will begin at 6:00 instead of 7:00 p.m.

Executive Session was entered into for the purpose of discussing the purchase of real property for the use of the public.  Following Executive Session, a motion was made and approved to purchase the property commonly referred to as the Jennings parking lot, located at the corner of Market Street and Route 78, from Dr. and Julie Jennings for a purchase price of $56,366.80.  The sale contract will be for a payment of $16,000 at closing and 11 monthly payments of $3669.71 each, with no interest.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


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