January 26 City Council Report

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On Monday, January 26, 2014, the City of Morrison Council convened at 7:00 p.m. in the Whiteside County Board Room, 400 N. Cherry Street, Morrison, IL.  In attendance were Mayor Everett Pannier; City Administrator Barry Dykhuizen; Aldermen Curt Bender, Michael Blean, Scott Connelly, Dale Eizenga, Dave Helms, Leo Sullivan, Marti Wood, and Harvey Zuidema; Treasurer Evan Haag; Director of Public Works Gary Tresenriter; Police Chief Brian Melton.  Adjournment was at 7:45.

Report of Department HeadsChief of Police Brian Melton stated he would complete his Annual Report in a few days and email it to the Council.

The Consent Agenda was approved with no discussion.

  • January 12, 2015, Regular Session Minutes
  • Bills Payable of  $90,671.92
  • Renew terms (three years) of MADC-City Agreement ($25,000 per year “continued financial support for our economic development efforts…2015-2017.”)
  • MADC use of Chamber Office

Item for Consideration and Possible ActionCA Dykhuizen discussed the updated Personnel Manual, which requires Council approval, per Ordinance.  He said [former CA Jim Wise made] “a worthwhile update” in 2013; the document had not been changed since 1997.  CA Dykhuizen “made not very many changes,” but those included “risk management and safety training.”  The Manual “is a guideline for me, Melanie, and the Department Heads.”  Alderman Wood asked, “[Have] we always done time cards?”  The CA replied he put this back into the manual.  Employees must submit their time cards for review in time before payroll is made.  Mayor Pannier commented, “It’s a good document to have.”  Wood stated, “You added Compensatory Time.”  CA Dykhuizen replied, “I added some…clauses…to make it more consistent with the bargaining unit agreements.  We expanded Section 3.12 about safety…in more detail.  [I] eliminated sick leave for part-time employees, [because we] haven’t provided this benefit for the last couple part-time workers.”

Other Items for Consideration, Discussion, and Information:  Council members discussed sidewalk obstruction and snow removal.  CA Dykhuizen explained the City hires a contractor–at the discretion of Director of Public Works Tresenriter–to clean downtown sidewalks.  This suggestion originated with Morrison Business Advisory Group (MBAG) in 2010; in November 2010, CA Wise brought the proposal to the Council.  It costs $380 per snow event.  “Dixon, Fulton, and Sterling, do not provide this service, but Rock Falls, IL, does.  The CA said, “It depends on budgets and priorities.  [Our funding] is taken from the Streets budget.  It really comes down to the Council.”  Members also discussed sidewalk snow removal by property owners and the recent Citations issued by the Police Department.  Chief Melton estimated 15 Citations were issued and, within a day or two, at least a dozen sidewalks were shoveled.  His priority is Genesee and Cherry Streets, around the schools.  “If we get a complaint, we’ll address it,” he added.

Mayor Pannier stated, “A resident [Alex Fischbach] of Morrison is on American Idol and doing well.  I hope he can continue.”

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