
January 20 MHS Annual Potluck and Goodenough Dairy Program

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DairyItemsIn the past, were dairy products delivered to your home?  Were they hauled to you by a horse-drawn wagon, or delivered from a truck?  Can you remember your milkman’s name?  If so, the contents of this locally-produced “ice box,” inside Morrison’s Heritage Museum, will look familiar to Morrison, IL, and neighboring residents.  The Goodenough Dairy–one of several local dairies–stated, “A bottle of milk is a bottle of health.”

The general public, in and around Morrison, is invited to join members of Morrison Historical Society and the Board of Trustees, on Sunday, January 20, 2019, for a potluck meal, Annual Meeting, and Goodenough Dairy program.

The location is Morrison United Methodist Church, 200 W. Lincolnway, Morrison.  Doors open at 12:30 p.m., and we will eat promptly at 1:00.  Bring a dish to pass and your table service; beverages will be furnished.

A short meeting and Election of Trustees will start at 2:00, followed by a show-and-tell presentation by Board President Harvey Zuidema.

He will relate how he became involved with Goodenough Dairy, Morrison Historical Society, and Annan Mill.  In particular, Zuidema will describe his job delivering Goodenough Dairy products to stores and households in Albany, Erie, Garden Plain, and Hillsdale, IL.  Many hours of research at Odell Public Library have prepared him for this informative presentation.

Zuidema owns a refurbished 1957 Divco delivery truck.  Locals are familiar with this vehicle, which is like ones Zuidema used as a Goodenough Dairy “milkman.”  Trucks replaced horse-drawn wagons in the late 1940’s or early 50’s, he estimated.

If you prefer to attend the program only, it will be held in the church’s Heritage Hall.  All interested persons are welcome to attend and share their remembrances of dairy-to-door milk delivery.




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