
Indeed, the Emperor Is Naked

TrumpNonsenseMany of my good friends voted for Donald J. Trump. They really did not like Hillary Clinton and saw her as the Establishment candidate, the “Sage Canaday” [mountain-ultra-trail runner] of the rich and powerful, who have exploited them. The fact that the GOP Establishment didn’t like Trump made him and an even more-desirable candidate. They read into his tweets and speeches what they wanted to hear. They overlooked or minimized his negatives.

Many of my good friends voted for Hillary Clinton. They really did not like Donald J. Trump. They did not trust him; they did not believe him. They saw him as a Showman and inveterate liar. In their eyes, only fools would vote for Trump. What they overlooked were Hillary’s vulnerabilities. Her email problem would not go away. She, too, lied on occasion and was caught. She would not release the contents of her Wall Street speeches. She and husband Bill had amassed a fortune. She was the corporate Democrats’ favored candidate.

Many voters felt there was no one to vote for.  But how do you vote against without voting for? In their view, the two-party system put up two undesirable candidates, and the third parties put up fruitcakes. Thank God the election is over! The media failed us. The two-party system failed us. We failed us.

We were unprepared for what happened next. We will never know what a President Clinton would have been like, but we now know what a President Trump is like.

We also know that the GOP Is a spineless, pusillanimous, subservient political party. The Democratic Party has yet to clarify where, if anywhere, it stands, either with the billionaire class or with the working class: the farmer, electrician, carpenter, steelworker, the factory worker, burger flipper. But at least we know where Donald J. Trump stands.>

  • The workers’ hero promised to “drain the swamp,” but instead he filled it with predatory alligators from the billionaire class.
  • He signed an Executive Order freezing hiring except for National security.
  • The V. A. Hospitals he promised to “fix” can’t hire replacement staff.
  • Veterans who have hiring preference have no job, and over time costs go up.
  • Not wanting to hear from the people, who he claims all love him, he shut down the President’s comment line.

Why should he listen to the people; he knows best. After all, he’s a successful businessman, e.g. Trump University.

Finally, “The Donald” has evidently decided that court orders do not apply to a President. He even had the Whitehouse website changed, to eliminate the Judiciary as a branch of the Federal Government.

Another little-known fact, as opposed to an “alternate fact,” is that The Donald signed an affidavit stating that he is a candidate for President in to 2020 election. This enables him to start accepting campaign donations, a.k.a. bribes.

Now it should be evident to everyone “The Emperor has no clothes.” His party has no guts. We have a “yuge” mess on our hands!

In this case, we have every right to be angry. Anger can be a force for good, if we channel it in constructive ways. Jesus drove the money changers out of the temple; we need to do the same. We can get off our butts and demonstrate. We can call our Congresspersons and Senators daily. Let them know, they’ll either right the ship, or it’s time they become refugees.

Although who the hell would have them? I don’t know. Oh, yes I do! Send the damn fools to Mexico; that way Mexico will build the wall!

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