Illegal Marijuana Destroyed–Call Crime Stoppers

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On Wednesday, September 23, 2015, Illinois Department of Natural Resources Conservation Police and the Whiteside County Sheriff’s Office removed and destroyed 260 illegally-grown marijuana plants.  They were under cultivation at Big Bend State Fish and Wildlife Area in rural Prophetstown, IL.


Officers acted on a tip from a deer hunter who discovered the plants, while scouting for the upcoming archery deer hunting season.  Conservation Police, Whiteside County Sheriff’s Deputies, and site staff cut down the plants.  They were estimated to be worth more than $250,000.

An investigation is on-going.  Police are asking for anyone with information to call Whiteside County Crime Stoppers at 815-625-7867.  Callers may remain anonymous and could receive a reward up to $1000 for the arrest of subjects responsible.


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