House Days at Fulton Elementary

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Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey wrote the introduction and took some of the photos.

If a parent ever had any reservations about the environment within the educational systems of today, they would have had them all dissolved, if they were witness to the activities at Fulton Elementary School, on Wednesday, October 12, 2022. This scheduled half day of school was transformed into a schedule of activities, that carried a positive message, developed smiles and laughter, and enhanced interaction among all grades gathered.

The day was labeled “House Days,” and anticipation prior to the 12th was heightened by an unknown “graffiti artist.” Their artwork appeared each night on the walls throughout the school. The atmosphere and mystery of the day were at a peak as the doors opened on Wednesday. Students were greeted by a very colorfully-dressed staff, who presented the youngsters with a scroll identifying them with their House assignment. The remainder of the morning was filed with interactive challenges among the various House members, each re-enforcing the positive interaction of all members of the House.

The following script–offered by Principal Jeffrey Hoese–best describes the intent and procedures offered for the elementary students on House Day 2022.

The Captains Are Here!

“Our big reveal on Wednesday[, October 12,] had so many surprises for our students. First, students noticed that teachers were dressed very oddly in the colors of blue, green, orange, and yellow. They then started the school day with an all-school assembly in the gymnasium, with each corner elaborately decorated with the colors that the teachers were wearing.

“Next, the students learned who the “graffiti artist” was over the past several weeks. During that time students had found various clues and had numerous theories as to who it could be. School Resource Officer Leitzen brought a masked person to the stage in handcuffs. Upon removing the mask, we learned it was none other than our beloved night Custodian John Dail, affectionately nicknamed Papa John! When asked if he had anything to say for himself, he stated, “And I would have gotten away with it, if it wasn’t for you meddling kids!” The Lil Steamers roared at the Scooby Doo reference, and SRO Leitzen led [Dail] away.

“It was amazing to hear our students echo “Good morning,” as we started our assembly. Without prompting, all students were able to recite the core components of our behavior pledge of “Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe, Be Kind” in unison. After I told students and staff, “And if nobody has told you they love you today, I’m telling you. Mr. Hoese loves you!” it melted my heart to hear them shout back, “And GOOOOOO STEAMERS!” with fingers pointed in the air, as an homage to our daily morning announcements.

“We then explained that today was House Day and students would be sorted into four different houses, …like in the Harry Potter novels. However, our Houses would be unique to our community. Those …would be Anchor House (yellow), Bridge House (green), River House (blue), and Wheel House (orange.) Students would receive their individual summons scrolls; learn what House they would be in; meet their new friends; receive a House bandana and medallion necklace.

“Following a brief dance party, Houses with students from grade K through 5 would then participate in a day of activities; relationship building; teamwork; fun. Houses would eat together also.

“Moving forward, the House system is our introduction to a positive behavior intervention. PBIS supports an initiative, in which students earn daily points for positive behavior to spend on various incentives. This will start on Monday, October 17. Students will be able to earn ten points per day (four points in the morning, four points in the afternoon, and two points during special classes.) Points can then be spent on various things at the school store (small toys, knick-knacks, water bottles); lunch with their preferred teacher; taking Rocco for a walk; going for a ride in the SRO squad car; participating in the morning announcements; many more.

“In addition, as students earn points individually, they earn points for their respective Houses. This allows Houses to compete against one another with positive behavior for the opportunity to earn top secret House prizes.

“The day was such a positive and engaging experience for our students. I can’t wait to share more about our House System and special days as the year progresses!”