Two adult care facilities in Morrison, IL, began the Halloween celebration four days early today, Thursday, October 27, 2022. They collaborated to make sure their event times did not conflict.
Homestead Assisted Living & Memory Care, 403 Scenic Street, Business Office Manager Kim Straight greeted visitors with an inflatable dragon. Straight boldly advertised she is “perfectly wicked.” She said, “All the Managers created the [outside and inside] decor. This event is the first thing we have gotten to do since COVID-19” began. The celebration ran from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.

Residents sat along the perimeter of the dining room, supplied with containers of candy and popcorn for the children. Several adults wore simple costume pieces.

Below are residents John and Karen Mouw [top] and Margo and resident husband, Bob Atherton. Margo posed for a photo with “Flash Gordan,” sometimes known as four-year-old Emerson Vegter.

These girls shared a bench while waiting to enter the dining room: “Police Officer” Ava Dunn, 8; “Angel” Haiden Woods, 11; “Wednesday Addams” Kylie Rus, 12.

Tamara Abu Zitoon; “Maleficent” daughter Katrina, 10; “Iron Man” son Julliane, 4, and Adam Tarawneh enjoyed the event.

Resthave Care & Rehabilitation‘s Halloween Spooktacular took place from 4:30 to 5:30, at 408 E. Maple Avenue. Youngsters showed off their costumes to the residents seated outside. They posed for photos with celebration-themed inflatables and a banner. Each received a goody bag for participating. Special prizes were awarded to ten children with outstanding costumes.
Below, left-to-right, are the Summers children from Erie, IL: Tashawa, 5; Tristson, 2; Jaxson, 10.

Nestled left-to-right before a BOO inflatable are the Gallegos youngsters: ” Jedi” Joseph, 6; “Candy Corn” Marissa, 6 months; “Werewolf” Jacob, 8.

Five tiny tots, ranging from 8-months-old to age 6 were gathered for a group photo. They wore a striking variety of costumes. Left-to-right are “Rainbow Unicorn” Gabby Beals, 2; “Bow Hunter” Ryker Beals, 4; “JJ and CoComelon” Ainzley Andersen, 2; “Deer” Sylvia Beals, 8 months; “Mermaid” Hadley Andersen, 6.

Three residents posed for the Editor and took URL to look for themselves in this feature article. Seated is Tammy Becker. Standing, left-to-right, are Nancy Poling and Jane Tornquist.

Creative members of The Resthave Boo Crew include, left-to-right, Laura Reed; Kellie Schroeder; Karla Burn; Jill Smith; Chris Burks; Jered Cross.