Holesinger Program to Answer, Why Beekeeping?

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Judith Holesingser’s program for Morrison Historical Society, on Sunday, September 17, 2023, will inform guests about “Why Beekeeping” is vital and enjoyable. The public is invited to her PowerPoint presentation; no live bees will be present.

Morrison’s Heritage Museum is located at 202 E. Lincolnway, with access from the ramp behind the building. There is no fee to attend Holesinger’s PowerPoint program. Doors open at 1:00 p.m., and her talk begins promptly at 1:30.

Holesinger has kept bees “for over ten years,” but she considers herself “a hobbyist, not a professional beekeeper. She shares the honey with friends and family.

Her interest in nature preservation blends with the fact that she finds bee culture and behavior both amazing and fascinating!

Topics of her program include
Challenging Problem-Solving Exercise
Describing and Demonstrating Needed Equipment
Discussing Techniques
Health Benefits of Honey.