Heaven’s Express Sunday School Butterfly Release

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butterfly2The annual butterfly release “took place after worship on Easter Sunday, March 27, 2016,” reported Shawnelle Soenksen. 

“It’s a tradition we do every Easter.”

“The Heaven’s Express Sunday School children release them, and the entire congregation is invited outside to watch.”

“Co-Directors of Children’s Ministries at Ebenezer Reformed Church, 309 E. Park Street, Morrison, IL, are Ann Brackemyer and Jennie Pruis.  They order cups of caterpillars from Insect Lore.  The children watch the caterpillars go through their different stages to becoming butterflies.  We also order live butterflies from Swallowtail Farms.  They come the Friday before Easter and are put into our butterfly nets, along with the butterflies that have come out of their cocoons.  Everyone loves it!”



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