Hear Ye! Girl Scout Cookies Arrived

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If the morning air in downtown Morrison, IL, smelled sweeter on Tuesday, February 21, 2023, it likely was, because loads of Girl Scout cookies were being delivered. Mahaffey’s on Main Street owner Sidonna Mahaffey had offered her building as delivery and pick-up location.

Cookie Chaos Chairman Hillary Blevins took receipt of “nearly 2700 boxes” for Morrison and Prophetstown, IL, Girl Scouts. Four adults, including two Prophetstown women, helped parcel them out by individual orders.

“We sorted [them] in 90 minutes, with no mistakes. Best ever” cookie delivery day! stated Blevins. She recorded 6000 steps in the process.

There were nine-of-ten delicious varieties: Adventurefuls; Do-Si-Dos; Lemon-Ups; Samoas; S’Mores; Tagalongs; Thin Mints (vegan); Toffee-Tastic (gluten free); Trefoils. The new cookie, Raspberry Rally (vegan), will be available for online ordering and direct shipping on Monday, February 27.

“Sorting” involved creating piles of full cases and individual packages for each Girl Scout. Blevins had taped on the wall a summary order, showing the number of cases and packets for each cookie variety. It was efficient for the adults to choose a cookie and fill all the girls’ orders–assembly-line style.

All Morrison and Prophetstown Girl Scouts have their cookies now. They will sort the sweet treats into individual orders and soon deliver them to customers. To place or add to your order, email GSNITroop1504@gmail.com.