Grove Hill Cemetery Family Trees Program

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Hillary Blevins’s program for Morrison Historical Society will lead guests along her quest to “dig up” information about a man, late of Morrison, IL. He originally lived in the East, where his life spanned the Revolutionary and Civil Wars. Her compelling curiosity about several, unique, Victorian gravestones transformed into an extensive genealogical search, focused on the eldest of those named, Joseph Sholes.

The Sholes plot lists ten individuals, across four generations, with coordinated, themed gravestones. Did local relatives move the old gentleman to Morrison during the Civil War? Is Joseph Sholes actually lying under his Whiteside County gravestone? Blevins’s genealogy journey yielded answers and surprising connections along the way.

Morrison’s Heritage Museum is located at 202 E. Lincolnway, with access from the ramp behind the building. There is no fee to attend Blevins’s PowerPoint program. Doors open at 1:00 p.m., and her talk begins promptly at 1:30.