Genesee Intersection Future Remains Uncertain

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Written by Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey.

A gathering of over 20 concerned citizens filled the City of Morrison Community Room, on Tuesday, October 10, 2023. They anticipated voicing their opinions concerning the future action proposed for changing traffic flow, at the intersection of Genesee Street and U. S. Route 30. Nine citizens took the opportunity to voice opinions varying from total opposition to removing the traffic lights; to making the drainage issue a priority; to concerns of property devaluation, to name a few. As is procedural, no Council responses are allowed, and the meeting progressed as per the published Agenda.

A short presentation followed, inspired by Police Chief Valladares, that introduced the Council to an Advanced Safety Technique in camera intelligence, currently being implemented in many surrounding communities. This camera surveillance equipment is available to the Morrison community for an annual fee per camera. The system is capable of synchronizing vehicle searches in a master computer, to track criminals as they travel the Midwestern highways. Future action related to the purchasing of a subscription will be offered on a future Agenda.

The Saturday, December 2, Christmas Walk and Parade Permit was issued, followed by street closings to accommodate the proceedings.

In other Action Items:
a. bid specifications were approved for the purchasing of HVAC improvements to the Community Room of Odell Library
b. a new, three-year operating agreement (Ordinance 23-12) between the Odell Public Library and the City of Morrison
c. pay request on the Water Main Replacement Project of $205,199.24
d. addition of electrical service to the new Sports Complex storage building ($5,430.)

Resolution No. 23-07 Directing the Mayor and City Administrator to initiate the process with the State of Illinois Department of Transportation to remove the traffic signals at the intersection of Genesee Street and Lincolnway (U. S. Route 30) received a motion for approval, but was unable to garner a second to allow discussion and potential action. This failure to receive a second forced any action to be implemented on the resolution to cease.

The meeting closed, and the crowd departed–carrying more questions than answers regarding the Genesee Street and Lincolnway intersection.

The Morrison City Council will meet again at the City of Morrison Community Room, in Odell Public Library, at 6:30 p.m., on Monday, October 23.