Garden Club Requests Donated Perennials

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Sharon Moore submitted his article.

ILWildflowersSpring has sprung, finally, and we are all anxious to get in our gardens and yards and start gardening!  As you look over your gardens, please keep Morrison’s annual plant sale in mind.  It will be held on Saturday, May 6, 2017, from 8:00 a.m. until noon, in the City of Morrison Community Room at Odell Public Library, 307 S. Madison in Morrison, IL.  Note our new location for this year.

We are also accepting plant donations prior to our sale.  If you have perennials that are too crowded and need to be split, or a plant that you just don’t like anymore, please consider donating it to the sale.

  • Plants can be dropped off the week prior to the May 6 sale.
  • Contact Sharon Moore at 815-230-9652 or email for the drop-off location.
  • Plants may be dropped off on Friday, May 5, at the Odell Public Library from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.

To add to our sale, we welcome donations of pots, trellises, garden décor, etc.

This sale is organized and sponsored by Morrison Garden Club.  All of the proceeds will go towards current and future Morrison beautification projects.


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