Garden Club Decorates Main Street Pots

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It was likely to be the last day of November with temperatures in the 70’s.  Morrison Garden Club members took to Main Street, decorating 11 sidewalk flower pots for the Christmas season

On the morning of Thursday, November 17, 2016, these seven artisans transformed four blocks:  Kathy Anderson, Sandra Crouse, Diane Garcia, Jan Kelly, Mary Latwesen, Sharon Moore, and Sabrina Statzer.

A melange of natural materials was used.

  • Kelly contributed dried hydrangeas.
  • Lutwesen and Junior High Principal Joe Robbins brought evergreen boughs.
  • Garcia added Goldenrod, Russion Sage, hydrangeas, and grasses.
  • Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Kim Ewoldsen and her children offered wispy milkweed.

Shown during the process are, left-to-right, Anderson, Statzer, Kelly, Crouse, Garcia, Moore, and Latwesen.


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