
Garden Club Celebrates 70th Year of Service

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On a chilly November morning, Morrison Garden Club decorated 21 Morrison, IL, flower pots with a plethora of live and dried plant materials.  Their beautification efforts were in preparation for the holiday season, in general, and the Christmas Parade and Walk planned for Saturday, December 1, 2018, in particular.  Click here to view that process.

To use the abundance of leftover material, on Thursday,  December 6, the club held a make-and-take session at the home of Vern and Mary Latwesen.  Women brought a container and stuffed it with abandon.  Others made swags by bundling lengths of boughs and tied on decorative items.  Some made flat evergreen wreaths.  Silver and gold spray paint was available for embellishment, as were Colorado pine cones gathered by Sharon Moore.

Creamy wild rice and carrot chowder soups and several “heavy hors d’oeuvres” made for a hearty luncheon.  The main dessert was cake to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the initiation of Morrison Garden Club, on December 10, 1948.

Seated left-to-right are hostess Mary Letwesen, Dee Morgan, Jan Mayes, Mary Ann Chatterton, and Kathy Anderson.  Standing left-to-right are Becky Brady, Sharon Moore, Patti Nice, Jan Kelly, Linda Port, Diane Garcia, and Cheryl Christianson.  Not photographed was Vern Latwesen; Sandra Crouse and Linnea Koch did not attend.

Port related a story from Garden Club days of decades ago.  At the beginning, people had to be invited to join.  Her grandmother, Lena Dykhuizen, was invited, but she did not receive unanimous approval of the members.  Hence, a membership was not extended. 

Current member Linda Port wore her grandmother’s deep blue, crystal, circle pin in remembrance.  Several of Port’s relatives were present as Garden Club members.

Today, men and women are warmly welcomed into Morrison Garden Club.  Dues are $10 a year.  Officers include

  • President Sharon Moore
  • Vice President Linnea Koch
  • Secretary Kathy Anderson
  • Treasurer Mary Ann Chatterton.

Contact Sharon Moore at sharonmoore@mchsi.com or 630-835-8373 to inquire about the next meeting or seek information about Morrison Garden Club’s 2019 projects or field trips.


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