Garden Club and Volunteers Mulch the Odell

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After two hours of sustained, convivial, assembly-line effort on Earth Day, Saturday April 22, 2023, flower beds around Odell Public Library/Morrison’s Community Room were dressed with fresh mulch. Morrison Garden Club purchased many cubic yards of mulch from Ryan’s Tree Service, of Sterling, IL. Last year’s, now faded, mulch layer is shown under the daffodils, before work began at 8:00 a.m.

Twenty-nine participants took part, which included several volunteers. “Last time, we had nine volunteers,” remarked Sharon Moore. This year, it became “crowded” at times, as people with wheelbarrows and plastic tubs conveyed multiple loads of mulch around the perimeter, in the very spots where others were raking or hand spreading the previous load. They were advised to thickly “spread about 4” of covering to help soil retain moisture and reduce watering. “We have lots of mulch!” a Garden Club member noted.

Find and follow Morrison Garden Club at Morrison Garden Club | Morrison IL | Facebook.

Most of the satisfied work crew is shown below.

At 10:00, surplus material was loaded into a truck. Garden Club members Becky Brady, Vern and Mary Latwesen, and Jan Mayes were assisted by Morrison High School student Aidin Magana. They departed to make deposits at other sites:
1. butterfly garden at Northside Elementary School
2. planting area at the southeast corner of U. S. Highway 30 and IL Route 78
3. pocket park at the northeast corner of U. S. Highway 30 and IL Route 78
4. triangle at W. Main and Heaton Streets.

Four MHS students took the opportunity collect service hours at this event: Leslie Chambers, Elaine Gallegos, Madisyn Loechel, and Aidin Magana. They are registered in the Impact [ie., service] Program at Sauk Valley Community College. The institution initiated an “earned-tuition program.” It provides eligible students, who graduate within the Sauk District, an incentive to earn tuition and fees for up-to-three years at SVCC, or until they earn their certificate or degree. Yearly credits for 100 community service hours, beginning, if desired, in the Freshman year, translate to SVCC tuition dollars after High School.

Although Lilah Layne is too young to apply for the Impact Program, she earned her own service hours this day. Her mother is Meridith Layne, Director of Odell Public Library. The Editor recorded two hours of service on behalf of National Society Daughters of the American Revolution.