
Fun in the Sun at Alli and Kallie’s Theater Arts Camp

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WatermelonKrispieEven whimsical, watermelon Rice Krispie treats fit the “Fun in the Sun” theme!   Five days of crafts, snack making, dance instruction, role playing, warm-up games, and other theater arts delighted a dozen girls–from Dixon, Lyndon, Morrison, Rock Falls, and Sterling, IL.  They ranged from kindergarteners to fifth graders.  Class ran from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. and cost $55.

The following children attended Alli and Kallie’s Theater Arts Camp from Monday, July 31, through Friday, August 4, 2017, at 14551 Vegter Road, Morrison:  Leah Carlson, 9; Chloe Clemens, 7; Mary Kay Downs, 9; Ellie Kested, 9; Molly Maloy, 11; Eliana McDearmon, 5; Campbell Scott, 7; Sophia Sylvester, 4; Alivea VanUnnik, 4; Madelyn Vondra, 9; Bryley Williams, 6; Phinley Wright, 9.   

Enterprising Camp Directors are Kallie Timmons, 17, left, and Alli Hogue, 16.  Alli and Kallie’s Theater Arts Camp originated when the girls were 14 and 13 years old.  The Morrison High School Senior and Junior, respectively, found only this week in their busy schedules to host a fourth year of their successful camp.  They indicated they will hold a fifth enrichment experience next summer. 

Last year’s theme, “Broadway,” included reading a daily book to the attendees about Broadway life.  “Around the World” was the second camp theme.  Grade levels may include pre-school to sixth grade; enrollment varies, but there is a cap of 20 children.


The directors and children gathered for a photo before the entertainment began for family members.


An 11:00 performance began with fun, summer dancing by giggling girls.  It mattered not if they were making a misstep or simply enjoying their choreographed gyrations; they laughed.  Then, to allow the main cast to dress for a production, Eliana and Campbell entertained with three knock-knock jokes and riddles apiece.


The costumed play was called “And So They Did” by V. McQuinn.  The plot stated, “A shortage of princes isn’t enough to stop three resourceful princesses from finding three men to marry.”  Royal triplets April, May, and June each find a handsome fiancé, who enter at the end as larger-than-life sized head shots, glued to poster board, held by their appropriate fiancée.  Costuming was simple but conveyed the pageantry of the court, servants, and non-royals. 

Most compelling were the animated facial expressions, eye contact between characters, and expressive spoken lines.  The cast was well-prepared, following the script, engaged with each other, and having fun.

That speaks to the background, preparation, and teaching skills of the Directors, Kallie Timmons and Alli Hogue.  Both dance at Cassie’s Dance Academy in Galt, IL;  Kallie teaches there.  Alli is on the MHS dance team.  Kallie is an apprentice at Timberlake Playhouse in Mt. Carroll, IL.



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