Franklin Creek Water Mill Program

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Picture2The Volunteer Millers at De Immigrant windmill in Fulton, IL, will host their next public program on Monday, September 30, 2013, at 6:00 p.m.  “Franklin Creek Grist Mill:  Lincoln Highway Mill” will be presented at the Windmill Cultural Center, 111  10th Avenue, in downtown Fulton, IL, across from the City’s authentic Dutch windmill. 

The 2013 program series coordinates with this year’s tourism theme for Fulton, which is “Lincoln Highway Centennial 1913-2013:  Travel and Tribute.”

Speaker Ellen Baker is a charter member of the Franklin Creek Preservation Area Committee.  She has had a passion to save natural areas most of her life.  She is particularly interested in the Franklin Creek area, which she first visited in the 1940’s as a school child. 

In the fall of 1992, the committee raised funds to reconstruct the water-driven grist mill dating from 1847.  In 1999, the newly-restored mill was dedicated and open to the public.  Mrs. Baker will discuss how the process of preserving the area came about, how they were able to raise funds, the history of the watermill, and what lies ahead for the area.  She will show slides with her presentation.


Refreshments will be served following the event.  The facility is accessible to persons with disabilities. The program is free and open to the public.

The 2013 programs are supported by a grant from the D. S. Flikkema Foundation.

For more information, visit or contact Heather Bennett at 815-589-4545.

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