
Fran Riley Interviews Fred Steele, Televised July 4 and 5

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It is always a delight when Fran Riley, KWQC Channel 6 Features writer, comes to Whiteside County to interview local citizens.  His sincere interest and warmth make for personal, enlightening features.  Prior to the Fourth of July, Riley prepared material on Fred Steele of Lyndon, IL, during a home visit, Tuesday, July 3, 2018, beginning at 11:10 a.m.  KWQC videographer Randy Biery captured the tribute to a dedicated servant of the people.  The feature will be televised on Wednesday, July 4, at either 5:00 or 6:00 p.m.  Early risers on Thursday, July 5, can see a rebroadcast between 4:30 and 7:00 a.m.

Lyndon neighbor Paul Engwall told Riley about Steele.  In preparation for the interview, a large coffee table was covered in photographs and books that document Steele’s service to his community, veterans, and the American Legion.  Son Jeff sits at left as Fred Steele looks over the material before Riley’s arrival.  He chose a special photo that summed up his role as the American Legion Sergeant at Arms.  No one will remember the man who held the position before him, so long ago.    


Steele selected a moving photo taken by Morrison, IL, professional photographer Steve Siefken and presented to him.  “This was taken on Memorial Day at Grove Hill Cemetery, [in Morrison,] four or five years ago,” he remembered.  Soon Riley would ask what that salute means to Steele. 

“It means that I’m proud that we are here, where we live in, and have, freedom.  When I salute it’s an honor.”


Fred Steele’s adult children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren sat awaiting the interview, while looking at photos.  Legion members from Morrison Post #328 included Bob Brands; Jerry Brearton; Terry Jones; Ken Petersen; son Jeff; Larry Zuidema.  Son Mark Steele was present, although his years of service in the U. S. Marine Corps do not fall under accepted American Legion guidelines.  Legionnaires who were unable to attend were Robert Atherton; James Prombo; Larry Saling; Phil Schroeder; Gary Seaman; Dale Usterbowski; Dennis VanZuiden.

FredFranBrearton called attention to a plaque on the wall, and Steele explained to Riley that the prestigious award was “from Governor [Richard B.] Ogilvie,” given 46 years ago!  It reads, “Presented to Fred Steele, Distinguished Achievement and Service to the Community, Strengthening the American Tradition of Justice Under Law.  The Governor’s Justice Award, 1972.”  Steele admitted, “I’m proud of that.”


Unbeknown to him, American Legion Post #328 had prepared a new award for Steele’s wall.  The U. S. American Legion Commanders Award was presented by Terry Jones, right, at the second stop on Riley’s interview–the Lyndon Veterans Memorial, outside the Village Hall on IL Route 2.  It reads, “Presented to Fred Steele, Sgt of Arms, In recognition of Exceptional Leadership and Devoted Service, 2018.”


Brearton stated, “Fred spearheaded the  Lyndon Memorial.  He has been a continuous Legionnaire for 73 years; he was a young man when he [first joined].”  This likely would have been 1945, and it was after he returned home from military service.  “We don’t track how long someone has held this position, but Fred has been Sergeant of Arms for decades, probably over 60 years.”

Steele told Riley he “started the Honor Guard in 1947, when [he] lived in Morrison.  [He] moved [to Lyndon] in 1977 and [has] lived here 40 years.  I retired a month ago, but was in the Honor Guard for 71 years.  Morrison has about 4000 [residents], but almost 1000 attend the Memorial Day Services.  As a child every Memorial Day, we knew where we would be going–to the cemetery,” he recalled.  He and the Honor Guard members have also “done a lot of military funerals.  There’s never any problem.  [These men] care; they’re dedicated.”  He credited bugler Carolyn Aiken of Morrison for her service at these services.

The Monday, May 28, Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony in Morrison was the first event Fred Steele did not lead.  Nor was he in charge of the military honors and gun salute at the Monday, June 25, funeral for the late Donald S. Mulnix.  He noted Brearton had taken training to replace him as Sergeant of Arms.

Steele explained that the Lyndon Economic Advisors Panel (LEAP) took a leap of faith when planning the Lyndon Veterans Memorial.  “No one believed we could raise nealy $100,000 to build a memorial in a town as small as Lyndon.”

It took eight years to do so and was dedicated in 2010.  Men and women–living and deceased–who served their Country are listed:  1812; Civil; Spanish War; WW I; WW II; Korean; Vietnam; Desert Storm; Iraqi Freedom; Peace Time.  “A former mayor organized a Poker Run, because he liked motorcycles, to [raise money] to maintain the memorial.  The concrete wall behind the memorial allows names to fill the back [of the wall,] too.”

Videographer Randy Biery asked Steele to find his name listed on the memorial wall.


Left-to-right are Ken Petersen; Larry Zuidema; Terry Jones; Fred Steele; Jeff Steele; Bob Brands; Jerry Brearton; Mark Steele.  Good men all.


The traditional “Hello, Quad Cities!” soundoff concluded the interview.

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