First Day as an Election Judge

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On Tuesday, November 8, 2022, the Editor was an Illinois Election Judge at the Union Grove Precinct, photographed below. I had contacted Whiteside County Clerk Dana Nelson recently, to volunteer as a Poll Worker. Nelson was pleased, because the County needs Election Judges. Within days a 100-page “Election Judge Manual, 2022-2023” arrived. There was a 47-question test; my score was 46 correct, but I am unsure why my one answer was incorrect. I will find out by searching the manual, so I am best prepared for 2023.

Union Grove citizens cast 475 in-person votes. That is more than double the usual number, according to the three Judges who regularly volunteer at this precinct.

As I gave people their “I Voted” sticker, I complimented them for being “a good citizen” and “exercising their right to vote in a free-and-fair election.” I thanked them for voting. People smiled at that. One man blushed. Another man kissed me on the cheek. Two people thanked me for my service. But no one declined the significant sticker.

After we closed the polls at 7:00 p.m., four of us packed ballots and other materials, for transfer to the County Clerk. There are always two Democratic and two Republican Judges during the voting process. One of the Republican Judges drove me to the Courthouse. We were met by an eager squad of Morrison High School students/athletes. They carried in equipment cases, and I carried our securely sealed ballots. Two Sheriff’s Deputies stood outside–so there was no chance for interference. Experienced adult women opened each Precinct’s materials and envelopes and verified what items were being submitted. Everything had been signed by we four judges, and it was in good order.

It was a rewarding experience being an Election Judge! Consider that role for yourself, and contact Dana Nelson at 815-772-5189.