Final Paint the Town/Art in the Park Workshops

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Children’s Art Preservation Association (CAPA) continues to host Saturday art events each month.  Because Main Street is under reconstruction, CAPA created multiple, smaller events throughout Summer 2021.  The theme is “Diggin’ Art.”  Events will be at five parks in Morrison, IL.  Please note the park for your event.

We available workshops allow citizens to tie dye their event shirt; paint a square; experiment with alcohol ink/Sharpie to make coasters.

Please note:  Workshops are designed for both adults and children to participate.  All children must be accompanied by an adult for all workshops.  Everyone can be creative and have fun!

Refund policy:  no refunds.  Rain dates for each event will be the next day.

Register online at Eventbrite.  Each workshop is $10 per participant and is open to all ages.

Paint a Square (8:00 a.m.-noon), August 7, Morrison Sports Complex:  Think of this as a smaller version of Paint the Town.  We will section out squares along the pathway to the Sports Complex.  Only 100 squares are available, so register as soon as possible!  You will receive the typical bag with paint, chalk, stir sticks, brushes, and a plate to mix colors.  You will not receive an event shirt.  If you want a PTT 2021 t-shirt, sign up for the Tie Dye workshop.

Tie Dye Workshoplast day (10:00 a.m.-noon), July 24, French Creek Park:  Includes one, 100% cotton shirt with the 2021 Paint the Town logo on it.  We will supply everything needed that day of the event.  Take it home, wash it, and wear it.  Any unsold white shirts will be tye died that day by staff and sold during the Paint a Square event, August 7.

Alcohol Ink/Sharpie Coasters Workshop (10:00 a.m.-noon), July 24, French Creek Park:  Design your own coasters.  You will receive four, white tiles/coasters to color.  You will have the option to use alcohol to make unique patterns on the coasters or leave them as is.  Let your creativity run wild, and display it in your home.


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