Brian “Fox” Ellis will portray Abraham Lincoln’s law partner, William Herndon, at the Sterling Rock Falls Historical Society meeting, at 2:00 p.m., on Sunday, February 9, 2025. The location is the Lincoln Learning Center, 611 E. Third Street, Sterling, IL.
Herndon wrote one of the most important and controversial biographies of Abraham Lincoln. He conducted dozens of interviews with informants, who knew Lincoln personally. Herndon will share stories from Lincoln’s life as a lawyer, his early legal training, and some of the most important cases won and lost, including legal precedent that is still quoted in modern courts!
Was Lincoln a backwoods, self-taught lawyer, or was he one of the highest paid lawyers in America in his day?
Ellis has presented several excellent programs to our group in the past. Since 1980 he has been touring the world as a performer and educator. Fox is also a Museum Consultant and the author of 30 books, including three biographies of Lincoln based on these performances. He is a regular contributor to more than a dozen magazines and the Editor of “Illinois Audubon” magazine.
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