February 24 School Board Report

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Lynnette Forth submitted this report.
High School Principal Scott Vance was appointed Assistant Superintendent of the Morrison School District at the Monday, February 24, 2014, board meeting.  Vance will officially begin on Friday, May 30.  Upon receiving his Superintendent Endorsement, Vance will act as sole Superintendent for the Morrison district.  Vance will replace Dr. Suellen Girard, who is retiring on Thursday, May 29. 
During the regular meeting, board members approved minutes from previously-held meetings.  Mike Vegter and Brandon Shelton were absent, as was Jim Ridley, but present via Skype.  Superintendent Suellen Girard reported on the Friday, February 14, District Institute Day, noting that it was a great success.  Teacher feedback was excellent, with many teachers finding ways to increase utilization of technology, to enhance and improve instruction.  Girard informed board members that, as a result of the cold winter, utility rates for the district have increased, which will lead to an increase in utility bills.  The second Facilities Grant has been approved; it would provide half of the funds needed for the fire alarm upgrades.  The district is also seeking a Safety Grant that would provide funds to re-key Northside classroom doors, so that there can be a master key and so all classrooms can be locked from the inside, in the case of an emergency.  Board members received key cards at the meeting, to allow for access to the front and rear doors of the high school.  Dr. Girard happily reported that the projected deficit has been cut in half.  Currently, the deficit has been reduced by $367,489.24 and now is $363,475.78. 
During the Principals’ Reports, Scott Vance reported that chemistry teacher Shari Elfline was the recipient of a Morrison Schools Foundation mini-grant in the amount of $250 to purchase spectroscopes.  High School Guidance Counselor Ms. Shute recently returned from a week-long training session with the U. S. Marine Corps at Camp Pendleton and the Depot.  The partnership with Sauk Valley Community College is continuing to develop a program to ensure students are career- and college-ready.  Vance noted that the Three Rivers Athletic Conference principals will be meeting in early March to discuss the vote on conference realignment.  The vote will be on whether to retain the divisional format currently being used for all sports, or to move to a “play everyone” format in all sports other than football.  The High School is hosting the IHSA 2A Boys Basketball Regional on Monday, February 24, through Friday, February 28.
Junior High Principal Darryl Hogue reported that his staff members greatly appreciated the one-day technology training, with many teachers commenting on the benefits of using the Chrome books to help with instruction and engagement.  Preparations are continuing for the ISAT exams, which have been pushed back one week, due to the school’s snow days.  Over 160 students attended the “Red Dance,” sponsored by the Junior High and BEST parents.  A trivia night fund raiser is scheduled for Saturday, March 5, at 6:00 p.m., with dinner and a fun night of trivia, sponsored by BEST. 
Joe Robbins of the elementary schools informed the Board of Education that over 35 counselors from Northern Illinois attended a “Counselors Academy” training session during the recent Teachers Institute Day, which was arranged by Mr. Braasch, and held at Super Wash.  Several teacher’s aides attended an Autism Workshop hosted by Bi-County at no cost to the district.  After school tutoring is underway, with the number of students ranging from eight to 15 students in each grade level. 

Dr. Girard commented on the Insurance Committee Meeting, stating that there is a 3.25% increase in taxes that go directly to the Government for the Affordable Health Care Act.  Individual premiums will increase from $374.75 to $400.87.  The cost of vision insurance has gone up by about 8.15%, with individual premiums increasing from $7.36 per month to $7.96.  There is no cost to the District.  Information on disability insurance is being discussed.

A Closed Session was held for contract negotiations.

Action Items included:
1.    Motion to offer contract to Scott Vance (approved)  (School Board President Jim Prombo stated, “We hired Scott knowing he didn’t have his endorsement.  We will be hiring him an interim Superintendent, so that some days there is a certified Superintendent in attendance.  Vance will take over by the next school year.  Vance’s salary is based on that of an Assistant Superintendent’s.”  Vance is originally from Rock Falls, and has been a Principal at the High School for four years, but has been employed with the District for 14.  Vance stated, “I am extremely excited.”
Discussion Items included:
1.    Financial Report as of January 31, 2014 (Dr. Girard stated, “This looks better that I thought it would.  We have improved the deficit by $367,000.”
2.    Treasurer’s Report as of January 31, 2014
3.    Financial Comparisons FY11, FY12, and FY13
4.    Bills as of February 24, 2014
5.    Financial (Cash Flow) projections
6.    Enrollment Update
7.    Date for Board Self-evaluation
8.    RC Smith Bus Contract 2014-2015 (There is an increase of $800 a year on each route, which equals $6400.  PreK routes increased by $525 per route. “That’s a very reasonable increase,” Dr. Girard added.
9.    Dual Credit SAUK update
10.    Institute Day evaluations
11.    Insurance renewal quotes (Dr. Girard said, “This is really good news.  The increase includes taxes for the National Healthcare Law.  This is a very modest increase. I am very thrilled with the renewal.”

The Consent Agenda was approved which included:
1.    District bills as of February 24, 2014
2.    Financial Report as of February 24, 2014
3.    Treasurer’s Report as of January 31, 2014
4.    Building Activity Account reports
5.    Personnel recommendations
6.    Approval to apply for safety grant

 Action items:
1.    Keyless entry and key check-out approval form (approved)
2.    District Auditor for 2014-2015 (There is an increase of $130 to Gorenz and Associates at the cost of $9730.) (approved)
3.    Updated Coach Job Description (tabled to next meeting)
4.    Traffic pattern for Southside and Junior High (approved) (Cathline Vegter commented, “The community complains about the current pick-up and drop-off situation.  They should like this.”)  Police Chief Brian Melton will be completing the proper signage.
5.    Approve Junior High Swimming Cooperative agreement (approved)

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