February 10 City Council Report

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On Monday, February 10, 2014, the City of Morrison Council Meeting met at 7:00 p.m. in the Whiteside County Board Room, 400 N. Cherry Street, Morrison, IL.  Aldermen included Curt Bender, Michael Blean, Scott Connelly, Dale Eizenga, David Helms, Leo Sullivan, and Harvey Zuidema.   Alderman Marti Wood was excused, as were City Attorney Tim Zollinger and City Engineer Noah Carmichael.

Public Comment was delayed until Other Items for Consideration, Discussion, and Information.

Board and Commission Reports included only the Morrison Historic Preservation Commission; there was no discussion.

During Reports of City Officers Mayor Everett Pannier recognized Police Chief Brian Melton‘s five years of service.  The Mayor submitted his “State of the City” letter to thecity1.com the Whiteside News Sentinel, and Morrison Chamber of Commerce.  “Take a look,” he suggested.

Reports of Department Heads began with Director of Public Services Gary Tresenriter discussing the Waste Water Plant.  He is finalizing the layout drawings and expects to be done by next week.  He is close to completion of the screening and grit building; next is the control building.  “It’s coming along pretty well,” he stated.  Water leaks were discussed.  Mayor Pannier advised people test their water temperature; it should be 40° or above.  If the temperature at is lower, the Mayor recommended citizens call City Hall.  Tresenriter stated, “Freeze-ups are happening all over.”  The Mayor added Prophetstown, and Erie, IL, citizens were advised to let their faucet drip all night to prevent freezing of pipes.  Chief Melton stated he submitted his report to the Council at 6:00 p.m.

All Consent Agenda items were approved.

  • The January 27, 2014, Regular Session Minutes will be amended by Melanie Schroeder, to strike Attorney Zollinger’s name.  She inadvertently listed him in attendance.
  • Bills Payable–$45,091.02
  • January 2014 Treasurer’s Report

All Items for Consideration and Possible Action were approved.

  • Resolution #14-01, Authorizing Sale and Transfer of Property and Conveyance of a Temporary Construction Easement to the State of Illinois (IDOT.)  Tresenriter explained IDOT “need[s] a little more easement from [the City] by the road where the bridge will be replaced.  [It involves] the ditch and a little farm land [only 0.08 of an acre], for land by the sign to the [French Creek] park.”  Construction by the park entrance is for a walking path.  City Administrator Barry Dykhuizen added, “We have the documents for this.”  Because a piece of City property is being sold, Mayor Pannier cast an approving vote.
  • Ordinance #14-04, Authorizing Cost Increase to a Prior Cost Sharing Agreement with Developer of Windsor Manor (403 Scenic Street.)  At the Monday, September 4, 2013, Council meeting, the cost sharing amount of $59,000 was mentioned.  At the next meeting it was realized that prevailing wages had not been calculated on the cost sharing agreement.  The Ordinance intent was “to catch up” the City.  Alderman Connelly stated, “In the future make sure this is figured accurately by bidders.”  CA Dykhuizen reported it “will cost about $20,000 more.”  Gary Tresenriter noted, “Every contractor we hire uses the prevailing wage.”  
  • Ordinance #14-05, Declare Surplus Property.  CA Dykhuizen reported working with the Friends of the Library regarding a Wurlitzer piano, Baldwin organ, and pool table.  The items will be auctioned on eBay.

Other Items for Consideration, Discussion, and Information

  • Alderman Wood initiatied a Fee Schedule Review; CA Dykhuizen and Alderman Zuidema have worked on it.  There is disagreement on the committee regarding parking tickets fees.  Building permits is another big topic.  The Mayor asked that at the first March meeting [Monday, March 10], the committee have recommendations, and he said there may be a vote on some.    
  • A Goal Setting Meeting will take place after the Monday, February 24, Council meeting, which will begin at 6:00 p.m. 
  • Utility Bill Postcard Billing was postponed until March.
  • Fruit Trees at French Creek Park were the topic of Mick Welding’s presentation.  Morrison Community Hospital Foundation wishes to purchase ten 12′ dwarf fruit trees to be planted this spring.  He mentioned peach, pear, apple, and cherry trees purchased locally.  MCHF staff and volunteers will bark wrap, fertiize, and mulch them, with Gene Ryan supplying 24 yards of mulch at little, or no, cost.  Next year’s “bountiful harvest” would be free for the picking, Welding stated.
  • Alderman Bender commented on the prevailing wage issue, saying survey trades will be included.  There would be “a 20-30% cost increase [he estimated], when we do contracting…with the 120 contractors in Illinois.” 

Executive Session was convened for discussion, but no action was taken when the general session reconvened.

  • Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees


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