
Family Fun at Morrison City-Wide Garage Sale

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June203MasksFinding items that you need, want, or cannot pass up is always fun for garage sale lovers.  During the Morrison City-Wide Garage Sale, the Editor, her daughter, and granddaughter attended 13 sites on Saturday, June 20, 2020.  One stop included discounted fruit smoothies with brunch pastries at Embraced, 104 W. Main Street, Morrison, IL.  We enjoyed eating outside at a bistro table and looking for pigeons.

This day was made more enjoyable by lots of conversations with a wide variety of Morrisonians, in yards never visited.  Yard art, plantings, and flowers were pleasing to see.  One home had a “wind chime garden” hanging along a lattice pergola leading to the front door.

Identification of former neighbors who filled in their in-ground swimming pool was the tip of the day for me.  Granddaughter found a party/school dance dress, shrug, and crystal necklace, perfect for the future.  Her pretty ensemble was less than $20.

My nine items totaled $5.75.  A bargain was this never-used, vibrant, fabric shower curtain for $3.


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