
Enter Kids’ Windmill Flour Cookie Bake-Off

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WindmillFlour“Kids” ages 17 and under are invited to bake a Baker’s dozen.

The Education Committee at the Fulton, IL, Windmill Area is sponsoring a Children’s Bake-Off, during Fulton’s Fall Festival.  Application forms and the needed 2.5 cups of fine wheat flour are available at Fulton’s Windmill Cultural Center (WCC), 111 10th Avenue, during regular hours.  There is a $5 entry fee, which includes a bag of flour.

Each child will use flour ground at the mill and follow the same cookie recipe, shown below.

Entries are due at WCC on Friday, September 29, 2017, between 10:00 a.m. and noon.  Please bring the completed entry form, below, with your cookie entry.  Judging will take place Saturday, September 30, at WCC.

If you have questions call Betty Wiebenga at 815-589-3671

The Windmill Area Educators will be in downtown Fulton on Thursday, September 14, at the Masonic Lodge, from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m., during Fulton’s Culinary Walk. Stop in and sample Pear cake made with de Immigrant Windmill-ground flour.


Entry Form:

Participant’s Name: ________________________________________

Address:  _______________________________________________

Home Phone:  ______________________ 


The following recipe is to be used by all children.  Ingredients may be added but may not be taken out of the basic recipe.

RECIPE:  Supreme Cookie Mix

Preheat oven to 375 degrees

Ingredients:     2 ½ cups windmill fine wheat flour

                        ¾ cup sugar

                        ¾ cup brown sugar

                        1 cup butter, softened

                        1 tsp. vanilla

                        2 eggs

Optional Ingredients:  Create your own cookie by adding whatever you choose. 

Directions:  Blend together dry ingredients.  In large mixing bowl, beat together butter, vanilla, and eggs.  Add dry ingredients, and blend together.  Bake 9 to 11 minutes.

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