Ebenezer Reformed Church Pancake Fundraiser

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Ebenezer Reformed Church, 309 E. Park Street, Morrison, IL, has organized a community Pancake Supper on Wednesday, February 19, 2025, beginning at 5:00 p.m.  Donations will fund scholarships to send children to Camp Manitoqua in Frankfort, IL.

The menu includes pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, and applesauce.  Pancake choices are Plain, Chocolate Chip, and/or Blueberry.

There are options for eating your meal, too.  Eat in the downstairs fellowship hall.  Use the drive-through pick up from the parking lot.  Schedule a delivery (for shut-ins.)

Call the Church Office at 815-772-2472 by Sunday, February 16, to order a home meal delivery.

Ebenezer appreciates your donation in support of our Camp Scholarships for kids.