Eagle Scout Beautifies Brethren in Christ Church

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Morrison Eagle Scout candidate Drew Screnock chose a community service project that is visible to everyone.  Drive around the corner of Brethren in Christ Church, 209 E. Knox Street, Morrison, IL, and park along the west side of N. Madison Street.  The east side of the church was Screnock’s target for a full-length landscaping effort.  He designed the scrolling bed that covers the entire façade, with input from his parents and staff at K & R Greenhouse, 15543 Bishop Road, Morrison.

  • Roger and Sue Meier, owners of K & R  Greenhouse, gave Screnock plants valued at $350. 
  • McCormick’s Nursery & Landscaping, 3602 E. Lincolnway, Sterling, IL, discounted the price of evergreens. 
  • Sullivan’s Foods, 300 N. Madison Street, Morrison, discounted the mulch.


The Morrison High School Senior reported his planning started “a couple months ago” with a budget of “$400 from the church.”   He and parents Joe and Crystal are members of Brethren in Christ Church, so this was a perfect opportunity for the Screnocks to support–and be supported by–their church family.  Church Trustee helpers included Bobby Deter, Josh Coyle, and David Wiesel; member Russ Deter assisted, too.  Crystal Screnock purchased red, interlocking, edging blocks at Menard’s.  Husband Joe installed them and raked the area. 

While others were enjoying the Harvest Hammer, Color Run, and Paint The Town, the Screnocks began layout and digging on Saturday, September 20, 2014.  They installed 31 plants, including a variety of evergreens.  Burgundy mums adorn the sign. 

Screnock is the oldest member of Boy Scout Troop 96; freshmen, sophomores, and Junior High members make up the rest.  He stated he will probably receive his Eagle Scout Award medal and badge this fall or winter.  Extensive preparation brought him to this point.  Eagle Scout (ES) candidates must earn at least 21 Boy Scout merit badges that demonstrate leadership and service.  Then, they apply to build an ES project that further demonstrates these qualities. 

Since the origin of the ES Award in August 1912, more than 2,000,000 young men have earned the highest rank in the Boy Scouts of America program.  Adults will recognize a few of them:

  • Neil Armstrong
  • Willie Banks
  • Gerald Ford
  • Michael Moore
  • Ross Perot
  • Steven Spielberg
  • Sam Walton.

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