Drones Show WWTP Scope and Progress

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After a decade of discussion, community input, planning, and engineering, Morrison’s new Wastewater Treatment Plant is well underway and on schedule.  See for yourself by watching this May 20, 2016, Leander Construction, Inc. drone video of the treatment plant construction.

City of Morrison Administrator Barry Dykhuizen stated, “We live in an era of significant increases to the Water and Sewer Utility Bill we receive at home each month.  This video provides a good view of the scope of the project….[It shows] just how large of a facility the City was required to build, to meet EPA Environmental and Permitting Regulations.”

The WWTP will cost $12,864,000, according to Fehr Graham.

“The drone technology gives residents an unprecedented, aerial, real-time view of construction of this major project.  Because of the location of the site, it is simply difficult to see progress in any other way,” explained Dykhuizen.

Photos below were taken with a drone owned by Gary Tresenriter.  They illustrate progress during June.

Thursday, June 2:  The northwest section of the Aero-Mod Building; Rebar; Floor; Walls.

A ModRebar

A ModFloor


Monday, June 6:  Screening and Grit Building; Control Building; excavating for the ultraviolet Disinfection System (the last process before discharge into Rock Creek); Aero-Mod System.





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