
Drama Club to Perform “Polter-Heist”–A Murder Mystery

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If the title “Polter-Heist” reads a little unusual, the entire evening planned by Morrison High School Drama Club may be considered “unusual.”  Talented members of the Drama Club are offering a “fun and entertaining” environment of interactive performances, that challenge the audience to find the murderer and enjoy the humor with which the evening is filled.

Mark your calendar for Friday, December 14, and Saturday, December 15, 2018, at 7:00 p.m.   Bring a friend, and join the Morrison High School Drama Club for a fun, fun, fun evening!  The venue is Morrison High School Cafeteria, 643 Genesee Avenue, Morrison, IL.

Adding to the unusual atmosphere of the evening, the price of admission is by Donation Only.  Once inside a bake sale will be in progress.  The price of the treats also is by Donation Only.

Another unusual element is that the entire preparation and delivery is completely arranged and perfected by the Drama Club students.  No faculty member is assigned to assist the Drama Club this semester.  So they recruited the experience of Bob Stone to assist with overall coordination.  Students would handle the directing, producing, and arranging and accept the responsibility of the details of the performance.

Cassidy Stoecker, a three-year veteran thespian accepted the position of Director.  Stoecker notes, “These students are talented and putting forth something they really enjoy.  If the audience comes expecting something great, they will definitely leave satisfied!”

Assistant Producer Cassidy Geerts, echoed Directer Stoecker’s opinion of the performance.  She stated the audiences “will really have fun!  They will see a lot of funny stuff…very funny stuff!”

The originality of the evening continues, because the performance includes an interactive audience.  First, the “stage” is the area around the Cafeteria seating of those attending.  Second,  the evening ends with the audience having an opportunity to identify the killer in the Murder Mystery.

Intrigue intertwined with humor performed by students makes for an evening to look forward to.  Come support the dramatic arts at Morrison High School.


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