
Doing Your Part…Now

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Editor’s note:  City Administrator Barry Dykhuizen wrote, “Door to door Census Takers are beginning to follow up in lower-represented areas.  Census Takers will have a Government-issued badge with their picture.”

Jerry Lindsey wrote this essay. 

Census2020Today’s calendar is referenced for many events and occasions that own an annual occurrence, but do we have an event that occurs every decade?  Yes.  A significant, once-a-decade event is nearing, and its deadline and the results will dictate many elements in our lives within Morrison, and Whiteside County, IL.  CENSUS 2020 has a data collection deadline of Wednesday, September 30, 2020.

The population count as of that date will determine such critical numbers that affect how much Federal funding comes into Whiteside County:  for our schools, health clinics, Fire Departments, roads, and highways for the next decade.

Look around you as you drive to and from work, church, and family visits.  Realize that CENSUS 2020 data influences highway planning; grants for buses; funding for teachers; special education; programs to restore wildlife; housing assistance for older adults.  Funding for National disasters such as the Western United States wildfires is determined by CENSUS data.

As of this writing, only 76% of Morrison households have completed a CENSUS 2020 form.  It is such a simple way to support your community.  You will know you helped generate funds for a future project to improve Morrison.  The [short] time needed to complete the CENSUS 2020 data form is available for most Morrison citizens.  [That] action has great rewards for themselves and so many neighbors.

Reporting is a simple process.  Any household member over the age of 15 is eligible to submit the form.  A CENSUS 2020 data form may be completed online, by phone, or by mail.  Visit my2020census.gov to begin.

Then, go through the next decade knowing you did your part!

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