
Despite Body Blows to Economy, Local Businesses Still Hiring

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WCEDevelLogoDespite terrible news about the U. S. economy because of the COVID-19 pandemic, there [is] activity in the Whiteside County/Northwest Illinois region.  While the State’s unemployment rate for April 2020 hit 16.4%, several businesses in the region are hiring.  More are getting ready to hire as we move out of the lockdown phase.

Gary Camarano, Director of Whiteside County’s Economic Development said, “We’ve recently been in touch with a number of businesses who report that they are still busy, working on filling existing orders, receiving new orders, and hiring to keep up with business.  Locally, the Walmart Distribution Center in Sterling, IL, [said] that they looking to hire 50 folks for all shifts and all areas….They are extremely busy keeping the shelves stocked with food products at Walmart stores across the Midwest.  Frantz Manufacturing is looking for skilled trades mostly, Toolmakers and Maintenance Technicians.  Their open positions are posted on their website at www.frantz-mfg.com.

Raynor, another of the region’s manufacturers, told us they are looking to fill 13 factory, and three office, positions.  Due to safety concerns, they have been cautious about bringing people in, and only [are] interviewing for the ‘more critical’ positions.  [They] expect as of Monday, June 1, to be actively pursuing these openings.  Additionally, there are a number of businesses that are still hiring….Active job seekers should conduct internet searches for opportunities.”

The Business Employment Skills Team (BEST, Inc.) recently posted a list of 36 businesses that are in immediate need of workers and are currently hiring in the region. The list is comprised of manufacturing, distribution, retail, and service openings.  Job seekers should visit the BEST website at http://www.best-inc.org/we-are-here-to-help/ for additional information, assistance with job searches, and other employment questions.

Camarano said, “…Companies are expressing confidence that as the lockdown lifts, they will be getting back to business.

“We are also seeing businesses continuing with expansion plans.  In the first quarter of 2020, we approved three Enterprise Zone project applications prior to the lockdown.  I expected things to come to a screeching halt, but since then, we have added six additional projects and sit just below the amount of investment in the Enterprise Zone for the full year 2019.  We have 16 projects in the pipeline.  This is encouraging   I’m not minimizing the pain we are currently feeling or the challenge that lies ahead, but there is still activity and plans for gearing up, as the lockdown lifts,” Camarano said.

Businesses and job seekers are encouraged to reach out to the region’s economic development organizations, Chambers of Commerce, workforce development agencies, and social service providers during the COVID-19 pandemic for questions or assistance.

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