December 8 City Council Report

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On Monday, December 8,, 2014, the City of Morrison Council Meeting was called to order by Mayor Everett Pannier at 7:00 the Whiteside County Board Room, 400 N. Cherry Street, Morrison, IL.  The meeting was adjourned about an hour and a half later.

In attendance were City Administrator Barry Dykhuizen; Aldermen Michael Blean, Scott Connelly, Dale Eizenga, Dave Helms, Leo Sullivan, Marti Wood, and Harvey Zuidema; Treasurer Evan Haag; Director of Public Works Gary Tresenriter; Police Chief Brian Melton.

Lester Mathew addressed the Council during Public Comment regarding the lack of recyclable facilities at his new residential area, Green View Estates.  “There are two dumpsters for garbage,” he stated.  CA Dykhuizen noted, “[Recycling] services are available in town.”  On Tuesday, December 9, he clarified that those who live in condos or private residential units are responsible for their own garbage collection arrangements.  Denny Pape, General Manager of Moring Disposal, gave Mathew his business card to give to an official at Green View, to arrange for recycling.  Green View Estates, 705 Melody Court, Morrison, is located behind Pleasant View Rehabilitation & Health Care Center.  The apartment community for Seniors began in 2006 and now has 28 two-bedroom, assisted rental units.

There were no Reports of City Officers.

Reports of Department Heads began with Tresenriter and the Public Works department who are “continuing to maintain…very few leaks [in water lines]; one or two per week, way better than in the past.”  He described the 3:30 a.m. power outage that morning and how his people were called to look at the lift station and water tower well.  When power resumed at 5:30, the pumps came on.  The City is running on Well 4; he will receive fittings this week for Well 5, so he “can pump it to waste.”  Mayor Pannier complimented the success of the Chamber of Commerce Christmas Walk, with its large crowds.  He noted that on Wednesday, December 3, he was joined by CA Dykhuizen, Stan Mitick, Ann Slavin, and Betty Steinert for the Governor’s Hometown Awards recognition ceremony in Springfield, IL.  The Morrison-Rockwood Recreational Trail was one of five State finalists for community improvements by volunteers and took the Whiteside County award.  The City received a wall plaque and 3′ x 4′ road sign.

The Consent Agenda items were approved without discussion.

  • November 24, 2014, Regular Session Minutes
  • Bills Payable of $252,781.67

The following Items for Consideration and Possible Action were passed.

  • Moring Disposal Rate Increase–Pape stated, “We’re asking for a little help here.”  The rate he proposed is a $0.50 per month fee increase to the City, not residents, that would begin January 1, 2015.  It is based on the number of residential units.  The last contract was initiated in 2011.  He cited company expense increases of 24%; $12,000 a year health insurance fees; payroll increases of $176,000 since 2011.  “We are asking all our communities” for an increase.  CA Dykhuizen noted Morrison pays $10.64 a month, so the increase to $11.14 on January 1, “would be about a 10% increase from where we started in 2011.”  The measure was passed.
  • Risk Management Insurance–The CA, Sullivan, and Wood met with two insurance carriers and contrasted their features.  Illinois Municipal League (IML) has been the City’s insurer for many years, except the last three.  They gave a better presentation; offer cyber protection/identity theft protection at City Hall; would start at a lower rate ,on which increases are based; offer safety training–as does the other candidate. An optional feature of Public Officials Liability, “Prior Acts Coverage,” would pay for liability charges that might befall the City within the three years of the policy.  That one-time cost is $4384.  The committee recommended IML as insurer, and their choice was approved. 
  • Wastewater Laborer Position–The job was not filled last year and has been carried over.  Tresenriter said it was not filled due to the delay on the Wastewater plant.  He argued that a full-time position would offer help keeping things running, cleaning sewers in the summer, fixing catch basins, and repairing settled manholes.  “Eighty % of the hydrants have been here for years.  We need to put money back into the system.  Several Street Department guys are now fixing leaks, so their pay comes from the Water Department.”  The overtime pay now being paid would be alternated between two employees.  The Mayor said the Wastewater revenue would pay for the new position, not the General Fund, and estimated a base pay of $32,000, “maybe $45,000, but no benefits.”  Tresenriter added, all his staff cross train, but “We expect this person to get his licenses and step in if Shane retires.”  Connelly worried about the costs and the impact they would have.  “We were told that labor would be less with the new Wastewater plant, not [that we would be] adding a full-time position.”  His was the lone dissenting vote, as the measure was passed.
  • Ordinance #14-25, 2015 Annual Tax Levy–The CA noted that at the November 10 meeting, the City made available an anticipated tax levy of $543,955; no public comments have been received at City Hall.  He said “the increase is under 5% of the last few years, and that 1.0923% is the portion on property owners.  The measure was passed.

Other Items for Consideration, Discussion, and Information

  • Outdoor Wood-burning Furnaces, according to CA Dykhuizen, have generated “no complaints” at City Hall; “There are not very many in town,” he noted.  Rock Falls, and Sterling, IL, have Ordinances to regulate them.  Alderman Connelly expressed a proactive desire to create an Ordinance.  Others felt it was not needed at this time and would be expensive to draft.  The Mayor reminded Council members and the public the deadline to submit a petition to run for Aldermanic positions is Monday, December 22.  “I hope we have a full slate” of candidates, he added.

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