
COVID-19 Exposure at Bushy’s Bar & Grill

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ContactTracingWhiteside County Health Department and Bushy’s Bar & Grill, Lyndon, IL, are working together after a confirmed COVID-19 exposure by an individual considered contagious and a probable case who had direct contact to a confirmed case.  After working with the location to review the situation, we have decided to issue a general release.  This is due to the extended potential for exposure, typical visit duration, and difficulty identifying all close contacts.  WCHD is working with Bushy’s Bar & Grill to review plans and ensure a safe environment.

Exposures may have occurred Tuesday, July 14, 2020; Monday, July 20; Tuesday, July 21; Wednesday, July 22.  Individuals who visited other times are not at risk due to this exposure.

WCHD believes there is minimal risk to the majority of customers.  Individuals most at risk are those who are considered “close contacts,” or those who were within six feet of a positive case for 15 minutes or more.

The Whiteside County Health Department and Bushy’s Bar & Grill advise all patrons who visited the premises during those times to take special care to monitor themselves for any symptoms of COVID-19.  They should social distance and wear a mask.  Individuals with symptoms or questions should contact Whiteside County Health Department at 815-626-2230, extension 1216.

Symptoms of COVID-19 can develop 2-14 days after exposure and may include any of these:

● Fever or Chills ● Headache ● Loss of Taste and Smell ● Cough ● Fatigue ● Congestion or Runny Nose ● Shortness of Breath ● Sore Throat ● Muscle or Body Aches ● Nausea or Vomiting ● Diarrhea.

Individuals who experience any of these symptoms–that cannot be explained by previously diagnosed conditions–should immediately self-isolate at home and call the Health Department at 815-626-2230 for further instructions.  If you experience any emergency warning signs (such as trouble breathing, persistent pain, or pressure in the chest, new confusion, or inability to rouse) immediately contact your local Emergency Department or 911.  Tell them your symptoms.  Let them know you may have been exposed to COVID-19, so they can work to protect you and themselves.

After contacting the Health Department, contact your employer and follow CDC recommendations for “What to Do if You are Sick.”

The Whiteside County Health Department reminds residents that every interaction carries some level of risk.  A workplace, private gathering at someone’s home, or closed event where protective measures are not observed is just as risky.  However, COVID-19 cases are more easily able to name their contacts, so press releases are not issued.  This risk is increased any time individuals

  • attend events with symptoms of COVID-19
  • do not physically distance (six feet or more)
  • are not masked
  • spend time around people they do not know
  • are gathered indoors.

To self-isolate remain at home in a separate room or bedroom, and use a separate bathroom if possible.  Avoid contact with other household members and pets.  Do not share personal items such as towels, cups, and utensils.  Wear a face covering when around others if possible

Individuals who are not experiencing symptoms should call the Whiteside County Health Department.  Take extra care to physically distance yourself (stay apart six feet or more) from others.  Wear a mask when you go out whenever possible.  Consider limiting the frequency and attendance at social gatherings until 14 days after your last possible exposure.

At this time, we only recommend testing for confirmed close contacts and those experiencing symptoms.  As a reminder, an individual with COVID-19 may test “negative” early after their infection.  This does not release an individual from isolation.  To reduce chances of a false negative, IDPH recommends testing 5-7 days after your last known exposure to COVID-19.

For testing

If you have questions please contact the IDPH COVID-19 hotline at 1-800-889-3931 or reach out to us.  Additional information is also available on the Illinois COVID-19 and CDC COVID-19 websites.

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