County-Level COVID-19 Risk Metrics and Map

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On Thursday, June 25, 2020, Illinois Department of Health launched “County Level COVID-19 Risk Metrics” on their website, to give local officials and communities another tool to assist with decision making.  Included are the following topics.  The State of Illinois released a list of frequently asked questions about the data (see below.)

Illinois Risk Metrics

IDPH is monitoring several indicators that measure the health burden of COVID-19 in each Illinois County and capture a County’s ability to respond.  Many of these County-level indicators are similar to the Restore Illinois criteria and support that larger framework.  These metrics are intended to be used for local level awareness of each County’s progress during Phase 4.  They will help local leaders, businesses, local Health Departments, and the public make informed decisions and promote healthy behaviors.

By applying the same metrics to each County, IDPH is using a standardized approach to monitor the State as a whole.  Each County will be assessed, to determine whether it is meeting or exceeding each indicator target.  Counties meeting set targets will be indicated in blue, while Counties that are not meeting the targets will be indicated in orange.

How to Use these Data

Individuals, families, and community groups can use these critical data to help inform their choices about personal and family gatherings, as well as what activities they choose to do.

Blue indicates that the County is experiencing overall stable COVID-19 metrics.  Orange indicates there are warning signs of increased COVID-19 risk in the County.

For example, if the local area is currently orange, some questions you should consider include:  Should I still attend or host a large gathering?  Are there additional precautions I should take, given my personal/family health risks?  Should I wait to dine out or go to a movie?

During Phase 4, IDPH reminds everyone to wash their hands, wear a face covering, and watch their distance from others.


Q. What data are being used to determine the status of a County?

A. Eight different indicators are being used:

· new cases

· test positivity

· COVID-like-illness (CLI) ED visits

· CLI admissions

· clusters

· new deaths

· ICU availability

· number of tests

Q. Does every indicator have to be met for a County be listed as “Warning?”

A. If there are two or more indicators that are going in the wrong direction, the County will be color coded orange–Warning.  However, information surrounding clusters and the number of tests provides contextual information and do not directly tie into whether a County is meeting or not meeting the goal.

Q. If a County is not meeting the goal indicators, does it go back to Phase 3 or other phases?

A. The Restore Illinois plan provides guidance that communities need to follow in order to keep people safe.  The County-level risk map compliments the Restore Illinois plan, to help educate and inform individual choice within the Restore Illinois plan.  At this time, a County that does not meet the indicators will not automatically revert to a previous phase.  The County-level risk indicators are a warning that a County could be headed the wrong direction, and people should take additional steps to slow the spread of the virus.  For example, stay home instead of going out to dinner, or hold off having friends over for the afternoon.  The County-level risk indicators do not loosen the guidance in the Restore Illinois plan, or make it more prescriptive.

Q. Are there any additional requirements or enforcement based on whether a County is, or is not, meeting the target indicators?

A. The map is meant to help people make informed decisions about their actions.  If they see the County they live in is orange, it is a warning to them that the risk of COVID-19 is increasing.  The hope is that people will take this warning to heart and adjust their personal behavior, including their mitigation strategies, to help lower the risk.

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